Thursday, July 11, 2013

Week 14

Leave it to me to wait until Thursday to post, and now I've forgotten everything we did this past weekend. Well, not completely. It was a holiday weekend, and Texan had a four-day-weekend generously bestowed upon him by his wonderful boss. Beginning Thursday, Texan was in relax mode. We spent the fourth with friends. Texan went for a 40-mile bike ride with a pal, then they went for breakfast while that pal's wife and I worked out and went to see The Heat in theaters. I love movie theaters. And I definitely had popcorn for breakfast that morning. Here are some strange things I have noticed recently about myself. I'm sure they are probably caused by my pregnancy, but maybe not all of them.

I sneeze at least 8 times a day. Every day. It's ridiculous. I can be inside, outside, in my car, in my bed...I sneeze all the time. I have these crazy sneezes that I can't even anticipate and they interrupt me mid-word. I don't have any other allergy-like symptoms or a cold. It's just weird.

My skin is really sensitive. After shaving my legs, they burn, they itch, they are majorly uncomfortable.

My lips hurt real bad* Seriously, when I was enjoying my movie popcorn the salt was killing my lips. I've been having to layer the chap stick on thick.
(link hiding below)

I have a lot of pressure in my lower abdomen. Yesterday Texan came home from work and gave me a big hug, and I had to push him away because he was pushing too hard on the lower portion of my belly. It didn't hurt but it was definitely strange. I've never experienced it before other than when laying flat on my belly. This led to Texan talking to the belly and saying "I love you" to the baby.

We spent Friday night through Sunday afternoon in McKinney with family. My mom bought me a couple of maxi dresses, which I plan to grow into quite nicely. (One of which I am wearing in my photo this week)

And, here it is. Week 14

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