Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Small Update

Today I made the big appointment for our second ultrasound. This is the big one! This is the one where we will learn the sex of the baby. It is in precisely one month, and I feel like that is just around the corner. Time is going to fly by. When I started this blog, I mentioned that there might be a change of insurance part way through the pregnancy, and I might have to change doctors. That hasn't happened yet, but in the event that it does, the ultrasound will probably not be on the same day as it is now. However, I don't foresee that happening. But, for the sake of "What ifs..." I will keep the ultrasound date on the down-low until we are closer and know for sure that things are staying the same with our doctor.

But, for now, I love my doctor. I went in today for my 15-week  checkup where I was given the option to test for chromosomal abnormalities and spina bifida. I opted for "no, thanks," and we got to skip right over to hearing the baby's heart rate again. It was 150 bpm this time. And the most exciting thing happened while Doc was pressing the little heart rate wand on my belly. We would hear about 5 strong beats and then lose it, then he would move the wand, and hear a few more shortly before losing it. The baby was moving around! Finally he got a good count, but I wish I could've felt it. I spend a lot of  my standing up time pressing my hand against my belly to feel something, but nothing yet. My mom said that every time she was pregnant, the first feeling with each of my and my sisters was while leaning against the bathroom counter brushing her teeth. I'm taller or my counters are too low, so that won't work for me. But I'll wait patiently until I feel it.

For now, I played a few songs on my guitar for the baby and have been singing more than usual around the house. And despite my energy being a lot more than it was in my first trimester, I have been bogging down lately at random parts of the day. For instance, last night at approximately 6 o'clock, I took a two-hour nap. And I still went to bed at 11:30 like it was nothing. Not to mention, I was dragged out of a dead sleep at 8:30 am by a text from my dear, sweet friend who was on her way to her appointment to find out the sex of her baby. I know the details, but I'm sworn to secrecy!

Heart burn starts between 6 and 9 every evening, and it radiates to my brain. Headaches and heartburn are the only negatives I'm dealing with right now. My doc offered a pain prescription for the headaches and encouraged me to stick to Tylenol, but I prefer not to take anything. If 2 Tylenol doesn't cut it, oh well. I'll just drink some water and lie down. No need to fill my body with anything extra. Maybe I should quit staring at the computer screen for now, and go get a little nap before Texan comes home.

Tah, tah.

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