Monday, June 3, 2013

Eight and Nine Weeks

My eighth week of pregnancy can best be described as "The Sick Week." I stayed home from bible study on Wednesday night and work on Thursday so I could go to the doctor. My allergies gave me a sinus infection, and I was vomiting pretty uncontrollably from 9:30 Wednesday night until 6:30 Thursday morning.
 It was also the week where Texan worked very long hours, and by the time he came home every night I was already in my pajamas. Thus, there is no picture for eight weeks, not that it would look any different than nine weeks. Still no bump to speak of--but he LOVES being in charge of decorating the board. He even had the eight weeks board all ready, we just never snapped the shot.
Now we are nine weeks, and Texan is getting more interested in the baby. Mind you, he  has always been very interested in my pregnant state. In fact, he says that pregnant women in general are more attractive than the non-pregnant kind...whatever that means. However, for the first time, I found him reading about what the baby looks like and what he/she is doing. This week the baby is the size of a green olive (so beautifully drawn below) and a heartbeat is detectable through ultrasounds. We also read that when I am ten weeks, all of the baby's vital organs will be fully-developed and fully-functional! I think that is an amazing work of God, that when the baby is still only an inch and a half at most, its most important organs are in place and working like they will for the rest of its life. Wow.
Tomorrow I have my first real prenatal checkup. I say "real" because though I have been to the doctor to have blood drawn and receive an exam, I have not seen an OB. So, tomorrow is the big day. Since our insurance is sure to change again at some point in the pregnancy, I'm not holding up much hope that the doctor I meet tomorrow that I painstakingly chose will be the doctor that remains my doctor throughout (because depending on what insurance we change to he may not accept it...) I am still excited to meet him and find out more about what's happening in my body and my baby's. I know that having the same doctor throughout the pregnancy may be a luxury we don't receive with this baby. But for now I know I will receive good care.
I attribute the nostalgic spirit I have attained this week to my pregnancy and raging hormones. In the past few days I have watched Pocahontas, Spirit, Cars, The Incredibles, and Tangled. I cried hopelessly at the end of Tangled, and came very close during Spirit. I'm just so happy when the beloved characters find where they belong in the end! (Yikes) Also my energy has been at an all-time low over the past week, hence all of the lounging in front of the TV/iPad. If I don't have to get out of bed for some splendid reason, I don't and I won't. In fact, yesterday was the most relaxing Sunday we have had in a while. Aside from church, we actually stayed home and in bed all day! Well, I stayed in bed all day while Texan came and went as he pleased. He napped with me for a while, then watched an action thriller (Yuck) in the living room while I watched Pixar movies on my iPad.
Now I am using this Monday to finish rounding up my professional references and hand in job applications for the new school year. Fingers crossed!

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