Friday, June 7, 2013

That's My Baby!

On Tuesday of pregnancy week 9, I had a doctor's appointment. And just to show how clueless I am, I had no idea this wold be my first glimpse at the baby other than the time we saw the gestational sack on pregnancy week 6. Therefore, I didn't tell Texan to get the day off work to come with me. Will I ever get over this guilt? The first ultrasound of our first baby and I'm the reason he missed it? Ugh. I did send him a snapshot of our little "green olive" and had a copy framed on the dresser (pic below) when he got home, so he didn't seem too bummed. But, I'm still pretty worked up about it. It was a good visit. I LOVE my OBGYN and his staff. I will definitely be referring him to friends for his personability and patience. My favorite part or the ultrasound was when Dr. M zoomed in on the baby and he/she seemed to do a few crunches for me! It was a profile view, so I could see from head to toe the whole body bunch up then stretch back out then jump around. So thrilling! And the heartbeat was so fast! I spent the whole day on a baby high, and even now I haven't come down. I feel so great! 

On the feelings note, I feel less nauseated this week and only vomited once Monday morning, and was instantly voracious afterward. I took that as a good sign. I also ran twice this week, which puts me almost back to where I was pre-constant nausea. I think my girlfriends are glad to have me back in action on Tuesdays and Thursdays. 

Here's your weekly emotions update: last night after administering my ear drops (into my infected ear which became infected a week after I got a sinus infection) my Texan thought it would be nice to kiss my infected ear. To which I did not respond well and basically sobbed for 20 minutes. 
This morning, I then cried while listening to the Alan Jackson song, "Drive" which chronicles Jackson's experiences learning to drive under the supervision of his grandfather, who he called "daddy." I love that song, but today it loved me back. Pah!

Cravings update: chocolate milk. Today I had a decision to make. "I can be on time for work, or I can make a delicious glass of chocolate milk..." Needless to say, I was late to work where I had two more glasses. The chocolate milk thing has been pretty steady for he past two weeks but it took a turn for "intense" this week. Yum :)

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