Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Five Months

This weekend we went to my parents' house to stay. Texan's big LSAT test was on Monday just minutes from their house, so it worked out that we got to have some fun. My grandmother moved in with my parents this weekend as well, all the way from Florida. It was nice to see her and let her hold Scarlett...well, she tried to hold her. My baby, who turns 5 months old today is what I call "A Squirmy-Wormy." She loves to stand on my lap and play patty-cakes. If there is silence in the house she must be sleeping or nursing. The rest of the time she is squealing and shouting. She does well on her belly but after a while she is ready to lay on her back again. She loves her cousins, who dote on her. Nolan especially uses his "baby talk" voice and says in his little accent, "Baby Garlett is miling at me!"
The three of them took baths together and Scarlett loved to smile up at her big cousins as they splashed around together.

This week Scarlett began trying to sit up when I try to lean her back into her car seat. Her back is getting stronger and stronger. It's like she is fighting me and trying to pull herself up! Scarlett loves to be put to sleep by laying her head on my shoulder while I walk around. It's so sweet. She loves to grab people's faces and nuzzle into their necks. She still doesn't know a stranger. She still loves to nurse even when it's not time to eat, just to be comforted and put to sleep. And recently I can lay her down in her crib when she is awake and she will coo until she falls asleep all on her own, which is new. And it makes bed time a lot easier. The last two night she has slept 8 hours straight waking around 5:30 then going back to sleep until a more appropriate time. Today she went back to sleep until 10! We both needed it after such an exhausting weekend.

I love her outfit this month. It's got chevron shorts and a purple t-shirt. Her first t-shirt! Naturally, she spat up on the shirt and pooed through the shorts within 10 minutes of dawning them. So, I was glad to have gotten the pictures when I did.
 Below is her attempt at sitting up. It's more like being folded in half. I'm hoping that in our new house, which has carpet in the living room, she will get some practice at crawling and sitting up. Presently, I don't set her on the floor except to lay down on a quilt because I don't want her to bonk her head on the hardwood.
Her fingers are constantly in her mouth. Grammy thinks her top teeth are coming in, but she hasn't been fussy today or extra drooly. So who knows?

 She always crosses her ankles when she is lounging. In her swing, her bouncer, carseat.

I took these on our anniversary before we went out. I just love the outfit she was wearing.

There is nothing sweeter than this girl! She is happy and content and there is always an answer to her fusses. Sleepy, hungry, poopy. I can always solve her sadness and make her happy in no time. I just love being her mommy. These five months have been so wonderful.

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