Sunday, March 30, 2014

Weekend Fun and a Growth Spurt

This weekend will be a hard one to top. Grammy and Grampy came into town Thursday night to spend Friday and Saturday with us!
Friday morning I had a dentist appointment, got my eyebrows waxed and picked up some yummy cake balls at our local bakery on the way home while G&G watched Scarlett. By the time I got home she had napped, had a bottle, and was ready to be nursed to sleep by her Momma. She had a good long nap once I got home and I dyed mom's hair while the 3 of us watched Ferris Bueler's Day Off. My parents had never seen it! 
That evening we all went to dinner at Red Robin then headed into the mall to find Texan some running shoes, his gift from G&G. Remember when you could go to Finish Line or Foot Locker and find good shoes for any athletic purpose? Not anymore! Everything is NIKE and it's all fashion statements. I'm not saying it's wrong to love fashionable NIKE sneakers, but both places were like, "These are popular in GREEN AND BLUE! Only $225!" Ok, what about good support for someone with moderate arches who runs long distance? We quickly decided to head to Academy. But first we went to the Disney store and mom picked out the cutest Minnie Mouse Halloween costume for Scarlett. She also got a Minnie sun bonnet. It goes without saying, but that place is a proverbial gold mine of Minnie Mouse themed merch. Next we went by the Brighton store, which I had only been in to pick out charms for mom's bracelet. I said, "Let's go in there. It's shiny." So as we looked Texan asked which bracelet I liked and which charms stuck out. After Scarlett was born he had mentioned that he would like to get me one so I could get a charm each Mother's Day. I figured he was getting ideas for then. The store clerk was shopping right along side us as mom and I "oo'ed and ahhed" and fell in LOVE with the new line, My Flat In London. Then Texan said to the clerk, "Well, she's going to pick a bracelet and 4 charms." 
"When?" I asked.
"Now," he said. "We'll call it a late birthday gift." 
There was a squeal (from somewhere) and I kissed his cheek and (might have) squealed again. I love surprises, what can I say? 
Mom said, "Well, you could've knocked me over with a feather!" She's always good for an old-lady catch phrase at the most appropriate times. 
I chose a silver clock from the My Flat In London collection, a white blinged-out heart, and a blingy spacer. I was actually too overwhelmed with choices to pick a fourth, so I'll wait for next time. 

You must know, during all of this mall time, Dad pushed Scarlett around in her stroller. She slept and slept and was the best shopping buddy ever. Dad doesn't go into stores until mom says, "Dave, come and pay!" Wait, maybe HE is the best shopping buddy ever...

We went to Academy and got Texan some real running shoes, fluorescent socks, and me a chevron tote. (I have NO IDEA how I got that bag. I put it in the cart expecting someone to say something like, get this outta here. But no one did. And now it's mine. Shhh). Next, ice cream and sleep was had by all.

Here he is ready to run. You can't tell, but the shoes have that same bright green running through them. He loves that color. And that color loves him, honestly. Saturday morning we all hit the trails so he could break in his new duds while Mom, Dad, Scarlett and I walked. The weather was clear blue skies and 70! I love spring in Texas. It's unbeatable. 

We relaxed in the yard, the guys worked on our new fence, and we cooked a big dinner before G&G went home that night. It was the perfect weekend. 

Scarlett had a growth spurt from Sunday to Thursday. Friday night she finally slept 8 straight hours, then 9 Saturday night. She also napped like a champ all weekend. She took 3 one-hour naps each day! We took a 3 hour nap together today and she's been sleeping in my arms since 8 o'clock tonight. She spent all of church in nursery and I went down to nurse her once because when I peeked in she was fussy from having hiccups. But she did take a bottle from the sweet old lady in there around 10. I was proud. But after church we went to lunch with 13 people and Scarlett had had ENOUGH by half way through lunch. She wailed until Texan started the car. Then she slept all the way home where I immediately layed her in bed to nurse and we took a 3 hour nap. Keep in mind that between the time her crying began and the time the car was driving home was 20 of the longest and loudest of my life. I was sitting in the car waiting for him to pay while she refused every effort for comfort. She just wanted to sleep and I knew that. Once she was sleeping in the car I cried for a few minutes. I just needed to let off some steam and felt guilty for going to lunch because it kept her from her nap. Oh, motherhood. Most of the time I feel she would be better off if she never had to go anywhere. But then today I met a woman in the cry room before service began who said her 8 month old has never slept through the night. (!) She said she just puts him in bed with her and he nurses 3 times a night and she sometimes sleeps through it. When I told her how old Scarlett was she called me "poor thing" and asked if things were getting easier. When I told her Scarlett had been sleeping through the night (except for during growth spurts) for weeks now she acted confused. Poor thing? Me? No way. 

This weekend, even with the public meltdown, has made me feel like the richest girl around! Besides, nothing looks bad from the other side of a three-hour Sunday nap. Not even boxing up your quesadilla and running out of Chili's to avoid glares from a nearby shrew.

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