Saturday, March 8, 2014

8 Weeks

Here's some advice one of my favorite people gave me recently. She said, "I loved being a stay at home mom. Enjoy every minute." Now, I've been given this advice before in regards to motherhood. And while it's a bit on the hyperbolic side--no one enjoys EVERY moment of every day--I have no problem stopping, capturing a moment in my day and realizing, "I am SO enjoying this day and everything about it." I think because the advice came from someone whose kids are almost grown and all but one has left the nest, I can imagine now that she has a full time job and a granddaughter, she looks back on the days of being a young mother at home with her babies and thinks, "Those were the best days of my life." At least, that's what I think I will think when I'm her age. All this to say, being a stay at home mom rocks. It is the best job in the world. What other job can a person have where God (the ultimate and greatest parent) is their boss, their husband is their only coworker, and their biggest and most important clients are their own creations--their babies?! All the late nights and poo-stained comforters (don't judge) and milk-smelling EVERYTHING is for the glory of God and to make a happy healthy child out of this helpless and perfectly lovable baby. 

My Scarlett Jane, or as Texan refers to her, Sugars, is 8 weeks now. She will be 2 months in just a couple days, so I'm combining the post because from here on our we're basically going to be measuring her age in months, right? *sniff sniff*
She is Awake almost all day, with a few cat naps here and there. Some days she naps for a couple hours, but it's not routine.
She saves her biggest smiles for mirror time, welcoming Daddy home, and first thing when she wakes up. 
Her most popular "word" is "gaaa." 
She holds her head up for extended periods. And she supports herself on her elbows during tummy time. 
She rolls over seamlessly, but gets tired after a while and let's me know she's done with tummy time.
She always lets me know when she needs a diaper change and smiles during the entire changing process. She loves to be clean! She also loves her bath except for when it's time to get out. Her Nana gave her a bath during her visit Thursday and Scarlett was so happy to see her that she forgot how much she hates getting out of the bath.
She is moving up to 0-3 month clothes. And depending on the brand, 3 month fits her too with room to spare. Some brands of her newborn clothes are way too snug. Her footsie pajamas in newborn size don't allow her to fully extend her legs anymore. So sad. 
She loves her swing. Last night our friends came over, and when Karen took Scarlett out of her swing to hold her, she cried until Karen put her back. It's that serious. She spent the evening cooing and giggling in her swing.
She is not as deep of a sleeper as she was, though if she falls asleep with music or tv on she will sleep through anything. It's nighttime we have to be quiet.
She found her tongue recently and loves to wag it around for us.

Here she is after being so over zealous with her binky, that she gave herself a red mark around her mouth. 

Snuggling on the couch during her noon nap.
Good morning, smiley! 

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