Thursday, March 13, 2014

Well-Baby: Two Months

Today my earth angel had her first set of immunizations. We're thrilled to report that she is in the 75th percentile all across the board. (My little proportionate lady). She weighed in at 11 lbs 6.5 oz and 23 inches long. She got 3 shots on her right leg and 2 on her left, and one oral vaccine which she was very confused by. Why, this isn't milk...

Here she is before her shots. "What does a girl have to do around here to get some milk?" 
The shots
The band aids. "Mom, grab my pants and lets get out of here before she comes back with another needle."

Sad little sleepy head back in her carseat driving home. "Turn it up, Mom, this is my song."

She cried for about a minute after the shots, was quiet going to the car, then passed out as soon as we got on the road. At home we went on a long walk, for which she slept, then it was as if she realized around 6 o'clock that her legs hurt. She cried, slept and nursed for 3 straight hours--in that order. Just too sore not to tell us about it, too tired to stay awake for long, and too sad not to be comforted by mommy. I'll admit, I cried too when she was really telling her sad stories. I wish I could've taken all the pain. But she is asleep now and I even got to finish folding laundry, cleaning the kitchen, and sat down to a snack and a glass of milk. Genuine mommy time! I needed it after the fitful evening I had with her. It's so nice to relax when the house is dark, the dishwasher is running and husband and baby (and even the hounds) are asleep. I get such peace knowing my poor sweet baby is getting some much-needed rest after wearing herself out. Now in worn out. 


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