Monday, September 30, 2013

Week 26

It's Monday morning! And, how blessed am I? I actually look forward to this time. I like to make sure the house is all spic and span before I go to bed, so that when I wake up I can take my time getting around to whatever it is I have on the docket for the day. Today, it's paying rent, doing some sewing, doing some research on dentists, and making dinner on the few scraps I have left in my cabinets. Tomorrow is grocery shopping day--which I usually dread. But with the fall weather having arrived, I may just get myself a fall-infused decaf latte from Starbucks and take my time mulling around town. Can you tell I've been a little cooped up this weekend? I accidentally married a homebody. How did that happen? He was so cute and charming and I totally missed the part where he loved staying in on weekends. Oh! Wait! He didn't like staying in on the weekends before we were married. It was all bull-riding, candy everywhere, Christmas trees, and motorcycle rides. Just kidding, those are just the pictures I chose...and in chronological order, too!

 Gosh, he sure did trick me. Well, at least he's still cute when he's lounging around dozing off in front of the tv all weekend. Here is the return of the Q & A because it's been a month since I did it last.
How far along? 26 weeks and 1 days.
Total weight gain: I haven't weighed myself today because I hurried to eat breakfast...
Maternity clothes? This one hasn't changed in a month...For the most part. If I'm just lounging around the house I wear my normal workout clothes.
Stretch marks?  Nope! I need to buy more Bio Oil  tomorrow on my shopping trek.
Sleep: I'm sleeping better than I was just last week. I'm finally to the point where if I lay down at 11:30, I fall asleep soon after instead of lying awake for 3 hours.
Best moment this week: Probably being able to sleep with our bedroom window open. Nightly lows in the 60's and 50's have left us finally able to be what we call "snuggle bunnies" instead of sleeping at arms lengths through the summer months.
Miss anything? Laying on my belly, my skinny jeans, being able to lean over without being out of breath. You should've seen me huffing and puffing putting my boots on for church yesterday. (And then complaining about how they hurt my feet for alllll of church)
Movement: Tons! I love to watch the waves in my tummy, especially when she's most active at night.
Food cravings: I was never a huge fan of these:
But the other day I was looking for Indian corn, which I haven't had ANY of yet, and October starts tomorrow. And I found these. And, that was it. I had to have one. I have had one every day since I bought them. So weird, but so good.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope!
Gender: Girl
Labor signs: No
Symptoms: Aching in the lower extremities when I stand in the same place or sit curled up on the couch. Church is the hardest time during praise and worship. Ouch!
Belly button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or moody most of the time: I've been pretty moody all week. I can't exactly handle any playful teasing from Texan. But when he bought me a milkshake to make me feel better the other day when my moodiness got the best of me, and gave me the cherry off of his milkshake, and I knew that I could handle another day.
Looking forward to: Spending the weekend with my family. Celebrating my mom's and my niece's 2nd birthday. Shopping with my mom for an outfit to wear in my maternity photo shoot in a couple weeks. Yay!
 I guess I should add a picture here soon. I love this new fall weather because it has allowed me to break out the other half of my maternity clothes that I have had tucked away for just such an occasion. Sweater sets and long-sleeved tees, yippee! Although, I am still getting used to maternity jeans constricting my leg movement. The days of summer dresses and shorts are coming to a close. And I had better get off the couch and go hand in my rent check and get started on my copious amounts of sewing I have ahead of me. So, here it is.

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