Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Week 25

The 25th week of my daughter's pre-life life can be characterized by bouts of extreme energy, intense dizziness, and exciting new experiences. While Monday through Thursday were less than exhilarating*, the weekend proved memorable and exhausting. Friday evening was the evening of the first part of Women of Faith. At 4:30 I arrived promptly at the front door of the lovely lady who elected to drive the caravan of five lovely ladies to The Big D for the conference. We had dinner at a restaurant adjacent to our hotel before hitting the conference, for which we had pretty good seats near the stage. There was one speaker, a comedian, and plenty of singing.

The best part of the night, honestly, was when the comedian came up. Let me point out that I had no idea who any of the people on stage were until they started doing whatever it was that they were doing. (Note the cluelessness here). So, when the funny lady got on stage and started her stand up routine, I thought, "She's really funny! When is she going to talk about Jesus?" Then, she started singing a remake of Beyoncé's "All The Single Ladies" but changed it to "All The Wrinkled Ladies."  She also remade Taylor Swift's "Mean" with "Clean," a cute song about how annoying that clean freak friend we all have can be.* Honestly, she made a lot of funny older-women jokes that I found HILARIOUS. And, of course, after the conference ended around 10:30 that night, there was lots of laughter in the hotel room. Aaaaaand I'm pretty sure I only slept about 3 hours.


Because my sleeping patterns are always controlled by my hunger. Having dinner at 6 o'clock, then water and crackers around midnight left me STARVING all night long. So, the moment the morning alarm went off, I got ready and went downstairs to dine at the breakfast in the lobby. I used to be horrified at the prospect of eating alone, but readers, as far as I was concerned in this moment, it was just me and the food and somewhere to sit. (I think I'll turn that into a song). By the time my cohorts joined me I was on course #2 of 3. I stuck with fruit, whole grains, and plenty of peanut butter to keep me held over until lunch. This was one of the best parts of my weekend. (Sad). Following the awesome breakfast hour was an all-day conference with about five speakers, a MercyMe concert, praise and worship by Kari Jobe, and lunch in downtown Dallas with these ladies!

By 4 o'clock we were all exhausted and decided not to stay for the last hour of the conference. I slept for two hours when I got home, then slept seven straight hours that night--a record for me lately. The scariest part of Sunday was imagining how I would survive early morning nursery followed by a day spent on the lake in my friend's parents' boat. Not because I get sea sick (lake sick?) but because I was still exhausted. However, Texan was really looking forward to it, and I wanted to spend the day with him. So, I bucked up and donned my swim suit. Of course once I got out there I didn't remember how tired I was, and I really enjoyed watching Texan wakeboard like a pro, as always, and slalom for the first time.  He's amazing. I got in the water once because I couldn't hold my bladder anymore despite the fact that I had rationed my water intake. (Shouldn't have had that Dr. Pepper. But seriously, I was falling asleep once 5 o'clock came around). The water was too cold for my liking thanks to the five inches of rain we got the days before. But I thoroughly enjoyed feeling SJ kick whenever a loud boat whizzed by, or whenever I would squeal and cheer at Texan's excellent water-sporting form. SJ loved boat day almost as much as her daddy. Also, here's my first attempt at instagram video.
Monday, I felt very sick. Also, I was a little afraid that I was going into preterm labor because my symptoms reminded me of the ones I read about in one of my books. However, since I didn't have any bleeding or scary symptoms, I decided to calm down and stop worrying. It turned out I just needed a nap and some protein and to go to bed early. Tuesday, however, I felt so very super energized that in the middle of my workout I decided to clean my bedroom ceiling fan. It had been bothering me for a couple weeks, but I always forgot about it as soon as I stopped looking at it. Also, all I could imagine was the copious amounts of dust that would inevitable end up in my mouth during said cleaning. I think the sounds I made while cleaning it went something like, "Pleh! Pew! Ahem! EEEk!"

 In more "exciting new experience" news, I went to my first consignment thingy (I really don't know what it's called) in my church gym last night. Baby clothes and toys EVERYWHERE.  That's what I'm going to call it. I kept my spending to around $20 because I was just there to have a little fun, but I was excited to find something that I really want off my registry there for only $2!
So cute, right? I happen to hate washing dishes by hand because I hate having them sitting on a towel on my countertops to dry. But when I have to wash SJ's bottles, they will look so cute sitting on this little grass square. Also, there are cute trees as accessories for hanging things on to create more space. Totally a splurge item, but they go for $20 at Target! Come on, people who are judging me. Two Dollars.
Here's one with the cute little trees. Oh, love! Also, I found a package of 50 diapers for $6. I have been very against buying diapers because I know I will get them in droves from my Sunday school's Dinner and Diapers thing they do, but these are size 2, and Huggies, so I figure she will have a few months to grow into them. (Did I mention I am going to attempt cloth diapering whenever we're at home, and do disposables when we're out? I've already had people try to talk me out of it. But I want to try.)
Alas, here I am at 25 weeks (plus 2 days). I looked cute on Sunday, but had to hurry into my swim gear right after church. No time for picture. And I never got out of my PJ's on Monday. Sue me.
This is my first time ever wearing maternity jeans. It was around 70 degrees outside yesterday evening when I went to the baby consignment, so I decided to haul out the jeans. However, I am loving the tank top/sweater combo. They are not maternity at all, but they so work, right? With my pearls, of course. My mother raised me right.
Lastly, the maternity book says that SJ will gain half a pound this week. That is crazy considering my appetite has been pretty small the past two days. But, I just ate at least a pound of pancakes to make up for it, so, there you go. I'm going to go work out now. 

 (I felt very bored with myself while reading and writing this post. I hope it wasn't to factoid-ish. I think my allergies are causing me to feel foggy and less whitty. What a shame...)
(Does anyone else feel like around the six-months mark your self-assurance plummets? Oh, me neither...)
*By "less than exhilarating," I do not mean to imply that I did not enjoy these days for what they were. They were perfectly pleasant (for all I know--I can't actually remember) and I am in no position to comment on the boringness in my present life.
*Her name is Anita Renfroe if you want to look her up on YouTube. And her song "Why You Gotta Be So Clean" inspired me to clean my ceiling fan.

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