Thursday, September 5, 2013

Week 22 and 21's recap.

  Ok, so here's something I haven't tried before. I have seen this on a few preggo blogs before and wanted to do it. So, I finally did the old copy/paste and here it is. By the way, so sorry about not blogging week 21. Texan actually said to me, "I'm sad that you didn't blog week 21. Now SJ will never know what you looked like at 21 weeks pregnant." Isn't he so cute when he's sensitive? Ok, stop it. I think she'll live.
How far along? 22 weeks and 4 days.
Total weight gain:   11 pounds
Maternity clothes? For the most part. If I'm just lounging around the house I wear my normal workout clothes.
Stretch marks? Not yet! I'm using Bio Oil and Palmers daily to combat them. I basically go to bed every night nicely-slathered in a sweet-smelling concoction. Tuesday night after reading a book to SJ, Texan kissed my belly and promptly had to wipe the oil off of his lips with a "bleck!" It was hilarious.
Sleep: My biggest headache right now is my sleep pattern. I have a very hard time falling back to sleep after anything wakes me up. And despite sleeping 12 hours some nights, I am still exhausted all day the following day, and may even need a nap to get through until 10 o'clock.
Best moment this week: Spending Labor Day weekend with family. We got a ton of awesome swag for SJ's nursery. In fact, all of her furniture is in our possession. So excited to get her nursery together.
Miss anything? Lunch meat, diet cola. I would love a ham sandwich with a Diet Coke.
Movement: Lots of kicks moving higher up on my belly. For the first time last night I felt SJ all the way at my belly button. I've never felt her that high up before.
Food cravings: Not really right now. But I find it hard to stop once I start eating red grapes and chocolate milk. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope!
Gender: Girl
Labor signs: No
Symptoms: Lower back pain, feet get sore if I'm on them for more than 2 hours. Legs hurt if I sit in car or at a table for too long.
Belly button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy! Unless I'm hungry...
Looking forward to: Lunch :)

I have to say, I am loving my belly right now. Yesterday I was feeling like a bit of a lard after trying on a maternity shirt that had been given to me that just made me look disgusting. But thankfully my good friend (who happens to be just 7 weeks pregnant herself!) came over to hang out and made me feel better. I am glad to say that I am really keeping up with my workouts, so I'm doing what I need to in order to stay healthy during this pregnancy. So here I am in all my spherical glory!

I basically spent all of last week crafting. I am going to post the pictures on my next post of some of my exciting designs in honor of my sweet baby girl, who is currently kicking my bladder. So, I will sign off! Cheers to my third trip to the little girl's room in 45 minutes. Hip Hip Hooray!

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