Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Week 27

 Hey there, readers! I have been feeling EXCELLENT this week--is it weird to say that I have been feeling as pre-pregnant as ever? So excellent, in fact, that tonight at approximately 10:20 I decided to do my workout dvd that has been catching dust since a couple weeks ago. DON'T freak out! I have worked out since then. But since the weather has cooled down, my friends and I have been out jog/walking at least 3 times a week. Exceeeeept for last week. (Sad Face) I planned on working out with mi madre while we were at their house for the weekend, but Saturday morning when I woke up my dad said, "How about you skip the workout and we go to the state fair?!" So, you can guess that I ate a couple deep-fried nothings instead of working out...making that one whole workout last week. 
Today, I had a doctor's appointment, where my doctor was added to my NICE list when he told me that my glucose levels came back nice and low, my weight is PERFECT (really, his words) and I am measuring right on track. I also got to hear my sweet girl's heartbeat, nice and strong. And just to drive home to point about me feeling excellent, I took my car to my favorite drive-thru car wash--it's only $3 and offers unlimited use of the car vacuums. But afterwards, I was unhappy with the amount of bug juice on my bumper and the unshiny-ness of my tires. So I drove straight to the self-serve carwash where I spent $2 and left with a 100% beautiful car. The funniest part was the fact that I only put in enough quarters to get 4 minutes to do everything, so I had to clean pretty frantically while screaming most of the time. But it was fun. And I got a little sweaty. I really like the questionnaire thing because it gets me thinking. So, here goes.
How far along? 27 weeks, five days. I know, I'm late posting.
Total weight gain: 20 lbs as of today. Gosh, yuck. Today my doc said, "Soon you'll weigh more than you've ever weighed in your life." My reply? "I ALREAY DO! Sorry for screaming at you, doctor."
Maternity clothes? This one still hasn't changed...For the most part. If I'm just lounging around the house I wear my normal workout clothes.
Stretch marks?  Nope! I have become more vigilant with my slathering of belly rub stuff, too.
Best moment this week: Shopping with my mom, pedicures with my sister, watching a cow getting milked at the fair with my dad, spending a whole 3-day weekend with my very relaxed Texan.
Miss anything? Being balanced and agile. I'm telling you, I pick something up and it FLIES out of my hand. I take a step, and my foot slides out from where i was about to put it. 
Movement: Still lots of that. The new thing is my doctor has me taking one hour of each day where I track SJ's movements. The hour can start whenever I first feel a kick. So at 12:15 I started and lost count at 15 kicks and punches by 1:15. It was awesome.
Food cravings: Nothing really comes to mind. Gosh, that's boring.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope!
Gender: Girl
Labor signs: No
Symptoms: Well, I am sleeping so much better now, so that's wonderful. In fact, it's a little after midnight and I am having a hard time keeping my eyes open. But, I want a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Wait! does that count as a craving? No, I'm just hungry from my workout.
Belly button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or moody most of the time: OhMYLanta. I have been very moody lately--understatement. I cried in Target this weekend because I was mad at Texan for not going to Target for me. So I had to go. And so I cried the whole time. I won't say anything more because it's embarrassing. Except last night after my speed walking hour, I was starving and came home to a batch of homemade tomato soup that I had made before leaving. I made mozzarella balls, grilled cheese sandwiches and garlic cheesy bay biscuits. When I sat down next to Texan, he felt like teasing me. Wrong move. I was very hungry and ANGRY about how hungry I was. So when he picked up one of my garlic bisucuits to get a reaction out of me, he got one--a reaction, not a biscuit. Because I squeezed the life out of his hand.  I went to the kitchen table and in order to keep myself from crying I said, "I'm going to cry because I am so hungry and you're teasing me." Sometimes, reader, it helps if I tell myself how I ridiculous I am acting. It worked. And Texan also stopped teasing me about my biscuits. Stop it. Don't laugh.
Looking forward to: Sleeping and eating. Or eating, then sleeping. But in the long term, I'm excited about starting my next project. It's a new cover for the car seat my sister gave me this weekend! Pictures to come!
And, here I am.
Texan was off his game with the picture-taking tonight. Grr. Every picture was either blurry or washed out by the flash. Blah. This was the best I could do. Oh, and, I have been having a hard time not hating every picture of myself where I'm not posing exactly like this. ^ But that has nothing to do with it. I think Texan's arms were just feeling wobbly from his workout.

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