Tuesday, August 18, 2015

15 Weeks

Today I'm 15 weeks (+1 day) pregnant. My stomach is starting to look a little more round and not just chubby. What a relief. The past 2 weeks have been really difficult in terms of my sinuses. I started having terrible sinuses behind my right eye, then painful drainage and sore throat, then I was talking like a pubescent male. I was squeaky and low and all over the place with my voice. Thankfully it seems every 2 days brings something slightly less terrible. Yesterday I was very sneezy and congested. I woke up at 5 unable to sleep, so I went and sat on the couch and tried to alleviate some of the congestion. And both times we napped today my throat was so dry I coughed on and off the whole time. But I'm lucky to have napped twice. It really was an awesome day for more than just the naps. I got to volunteer at our local cafeteria for the needy. I served the lunches and prayed for people's meals. One lady (who was a volunteer with me) said the first super rude thing to me as far as "rude things to say to pregnant ladies" go. A lot of the volunteers remembered the last time I was there I was 8 months pregnant with Scarlett and when I told them I was almost 4 months pregnant again they all said congratulations except for one  woman who said I was crazy, and one kid was enough, and there is no age gap that is enough to make it manageable...yadda yadda! It was so rude and awkward. It was almost like she took it personally that I dared have more than one child. But I still left feeling happy and had a lot of fun. The next most awesome thing was this: on the way home I passed by our new soon-to-be Dunkin Donuts here in town and saw them delivering ice cream cases from which to scoop delicious scoops of Baskin Robbins icey goodness. I'm just so happy. We have 3 Starbucks and literally 10 locally-owned donut shops but nothing with incredible coffee AND the best ice cream ever. I will never leave this town. Why would I?

In Scarlett news: she is still obsessed with Frozen and cats (meow-meows). Texan is anxious to find out the baby's gender. All is well. I think tonight I will actually be able to breath through my nose while simultaneously sleeping. Can't wait.

Here's my 15-week picture. 

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