Friday, August 7, 2015

Pregnancy 2.0

 On May 30th I took a pregnancy test that was rather inconclusive. So the next morning at 4am I took another one right before we left for the airport to fly to Cabo for our 5-year anniversary. This one was very positive. Texan's words as he looked over my shoulder at the test were this: "Oh yeah, you're pregnant, Momma!" Then he gave me a great big hug and asked me if I was excited. We were planning on getting pregnant in July so I was a little less than excited to be pregnant on vacation. No horse back riding on the beach or zip-lining for me. But obviously I am so blessed to be able to be a mother and enjoy this time immensely doing what I love, which is raising my child and caring for my home. So, I packed a third test to take mid-week and that one was even more positive than the first two. 

It took coming home from Mexico for the pregnancy's reality to truly set in. And knowing now what I didn't know 2 years ago, I knew I needed to do one thing: pre-cook a bunch of meals before the impending illness set in. So, upon returning home, I bought 10 pounds of chicken breast, Half a ham, hot wings, 3 pounds of ground turkey, and some canned and easy frozen food including veggies, beans, pizzas, and biscuits. I planned to pre-cook at least half the food so that Kyle could thaw himself something when I was feeling bad. Then the canned veggies and pizza would be easy to heat up and pretend it was a real meal. However, I haven't really been sick. At least, not in the over-the-top, must be near a vomit receptacle at all times kind of way.  This pregnancy has been nothing like with Scarlett. No nausea, just excessively tired. So cooking all that food did come in handy for those nights where I felt too weak to stand in the kitchen, but I must admit there is still half a ham, fajita chicken, and buffalo shredded chicken in the freezer that has been in there for 8 weeks. Not to mention half a deer. Three dinners and a mammal yet to be used. And since I feel well enough to cook I don't want to waste them. Oh, well. Thank goodness we bought a deep freezer. Some day. 

Now that I'm thirteen weeks I am starting to feel the heartburn after most dinners and I am congested every single night. I have used an entire box of 30 nasal strips over the past month and a ton of Vicks. But I'm pretty sure my nose is just closing up and trying to kill me. That's how I was with Scarlett, but I didn't know about the wonder of nasal strips back then. Here's my favorite way to tell you what's up with my pregnancy so far! 
How far along? 13 weeks 4 days
Total weight gain:   Not sure
Maternity clothes? Pants and shorts, yes. I can't button my regular stuff.
Sleep: going to bed early most nights and napping every day when Scarlett naps.
Best moment this week: watching Frozen with Scarlett. She let me hold her in my lap and pointed and shouted at the screen. Whenever the characters got into a perilous situation she yelled, "oh no!" or "uh-oh!" And I taught her to say, "Olaf" and she kept waving and saying, "hi,  Olah!" I couldn't believe she watched a whole movie with me. Thank you, Mary for sending us a wonderful gift. We look forward to watching lots of Disney together.
Miss anything? Lots of caffeine and eating without feeling icky afterward.
Movement: not yet. Texan lays his head on my belly nightly and pretends he can feel stuff. We can't wait for high-fives. 
Food cravings: nothing crazy at the moment. In general it's been salty and spicy.   
Anything making you queasy or sick: Eating until I'm full. That just started today. Every time!
Gender: don't know!
Labor signs: No
Symptoms: so sleepy!
Belly button in or out? In 
Wedding rings on or off? On 
Happy or moody most of the time: Pretty impatient and easily riled up. I remember this moodiness from last time.
Looking forward to: Grammy and Grampy coming Saturday!

Here's my 13^-week picture.
Here's my 12-week picture.

And now you're all caught up!

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