Monday, October 28, 2013

Week 30

 They say the third trimester begins to feel more and more like the first trimester the further you get into it. But, who are they? And, what do they know?! 

Well, they're people who have done it and they know everything. Everything. *finger wag, head swivel*

Let's talk about no appetite, feeling like I'm gonna puke whenever I get in the car, and when I am hungry, I am incredibly uncomfortable for at least an hour afterward. What happened to feeling like super girl? Super girl's cape got caught in the spoke of one of her stroller wheels and she was trampled beneath its center wheel. Youch.

This past week I did my super awesome workout DVD 3 times. I'm taking this moment to share the name of the DVD in case you want snatch a copy up for yourself. 

Super corny at times? Yes. Taught by a beast of a woman with 0% body fat who talks the whole time through and barely sweats? Yeahbsolutely. 

But after watching it enough, I have memorized every word she says. So I mute it and turn on my Justin Timberlake Pandora station. It's a good workout for me now that my non-pregnant jogging partners are tired of walking with me. I guess I understand. But I'm still going to pout about it. 

Here are a few things I have noticed this week about my body. Maybe I would have noticed them sooner, but my head is pretty foggy these days. 

~At one point this week, I was getting ready to go to town, and after I had completed my adorable ensemble--I love dressing my basketball-smuggling body--I stepped back to look at myself in the mirror, and realized that I looked like a blur. I had been standing so close to the mirror while doing my makeup that I hadn't noticed my eyesight changing until I stepped back. I put on my glasses to no avail. When I got into the car I realized I couldn't see any signs or even read the license plate of the car in front of me at the red light. Called my Dr's office and spoke to a nurse. She said to check my blood pressure and as long as it was 128/80 or lower, it was probably nothing. I came out at something like 120/67, so I guess it was nothing. But weird.

~Fingers are a little swollen. It's hard (sometimes impossible) to get my wedding rings off. But thankfully my fingers are mostly swollen in the middle, so my rings are cutting into my finger yet. 

~Do you know the feeling when you've just run as hard as possible and you get that sharp cramp that makes it impossible to take a deep breath. KNIFE STAB, knife stab, knife stab!! (If you don't know the feeling, you need to go run somewhere). Well, now I get them totally randomly. I got one while doing my donkey kicks in my workout DVD the other day, then last night while watching  a movie at home . I have a Dr's appointment next week, where I plan to ask him about those. Hmmm...

~Super uncomfortable gas bubbles in my tummy associated with burping and hiccuping, among other things. Oh, the pain. I seriously dialed my Dr's office because I didn't know what the pain was about...until I figured it out. 

~I can no longer see over my bump. I mean, I can get to my feet, but Texan has taken to inspecting my belly for stretch marks for me since I can't. (None yet, jiggity-jig).

~The arch of my foot was tingly and numb this morning when I woke up for about an hour. It was so weird. 

~This one isn't about my body, but Tums give me the WORST aftertaste. And the worst part is, I alway get heartburn as soon as I'm done brushing my teeth and get nestled all snug in my bed. So then I have this nasty fruit taste that is followed by bitterness that lasts until I wake up. Bleh.

I am looking forward to this weekend because despite the fact that Texan is going out of town to hunt for the weekend with his stepdad, my parents are coming into town to keep me company. I hate the idea of being alone at night. So they'll spend one night and I'll have to suck it up the rest of the time...

Suzy Homemaker update: I just scrubbed walls and base boards. We have textured walls which are really hard to get clean. But I came out triumphant. This is nesting, I guess. Also, I am now the official host of Thanksgiving 2013. I am planning my tablesscape and turkey-bake presently. I am quite nervous.

I am not posting a picture with this week's post. (Other than the one of my workout DVD). Or, wait! How about this one. Saturday night was actually the last night that I wore real clothes and left the house for a good reason. So here it is:

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