Monday, September 30, 2013

Week 26

It's Monday morning! And, how blessed am I? I actually look forward to this time. I like to make sure the house is all spic and span before I go to bed, so that when I wake up I can take my time getting around to whatever it is I have on the docket for the day. Today, it's paying rent, doing some sewing, doing some research on dentists, and making dinner on the few scraps I have left in my cabinets. Tomorrow is grocery shopping day--which I usually dread. But with the fall weather having arrived, I may just get myself a fall-infused decaf latte from Starbucks and take my time mulling around town. Can you tell I've been a little cooped up this weekend? I accidentally married a homebody. How did that happen? He was so cute and charming and I totally missed the part where he loved staying in on weekends. Oh! Wait! He didn't like staying in on the weekends before we were married. It was all bull-riding, candy everywhere, Christmas trees, and motorcycle rides. Just kidding, those are just the pictures I chose...and in chronological order, too!

 Gosh, he sure did trick me. Well, at least he's still cute when he's lounging around dozing off in front of the tv all weekend. Here is the return of the Q & A because it's been a month since I did it last.
How far along? 26 weeks and 1 days.
Total weight gain: I haven't weighed myself today because I hurried to eat breakfast...
Maternity clothes? This one hasn't changed in a month...For the most part. If I'm just lounging around the house I wear my normal workout clothes.
Stretch marks?  Nope! I need to buy more Bio Oil  tomorrow on my shopping trek.
Sleep: I'm sleeping better than I was just last week. I'm finally to the point where if I lay down at 11:30, I fall asleep soon after instead of lying awake for 3 hours.
Best moment this week: Probably being able to sleep with our bedroom window open. Nightly lows in the 60's and 50's have left us finally able to be what we call "snuggle bunnies" instead of sleeping at arms lengths through the summer months.
Miss anything? Laying on my belly, my skinny jeans, being able to lean over without being out of breath. You should've seen me huffing and puffing putting my boots on for church yesterday. (And then complaining about how they hurt my feet for alllll of church)
Movement: Tons! I love to watch the waves in my tummy, especially when she's most active at night.
Food cravings: I was never a huge fan of these:
But the other day I was looking for Indian corn, which I haven't had ANY of yet, and October starts tomorrow. And I found these. And, that was it. I had to have one. I have had one every day since I bought them. So weird, but so good.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope!
Gender: Girl
Labor signs: No
Symptoms: Aching in the lower extremities when I stand in the same place or sit curled up on the couch. Church is the hardest time during praise and worship. Ouch!
Belly button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or moody most of the time: I've been pretty moody all week. I can't exactly handle any playful teasing from Texan. But when he bought me a milkshake to make me feel better the other day when my moodiness got the best of me, and gave me the cherry off of his milkshake, and I knew that I could handle another day.
Looking forward to: Spending the weekend with my family. Celebrating my mom's and my niece's 2nd birthday. Shopping with my mom for an outfit to wear in my maternity photo shoot in a couple weeks. Yay!
 I guess I should add a picture here soon. I love this new fall weather because it has allowed me to break out the other half of my maternity clothes that I have had tucked away for just such an occasion. Sweater sets and long-sleeved tees, yippee! Although, I am still getting used to maternity jeans constricting my leg movement. The days of summer dresses and shorts are coming to a close. And I had better get off the couch and go hand in my rent check and get started on my copious amounts of sewing I have ahead of me. So, here it is.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Week 25

The 25th week of my daughter's pre-life life can be characterized by bouts of extreme energy, intense dizziness, and exciting new experiences. While Monday through Thursday were less than exhilarating*, the weekend proved memorable and exhausting. Friday evening was the evening of the first part of Women of Faith. At 4:30 I arrived promptly at the front door of the lovely lady who elected to drive the caravan of five lovely ladies to The Big D for the conference. We had dinner at a restaurant adjacent to our hotel before hitting the conference, for which we had pretty good seats near the stage. There was one speaker, a comedian, and plenty of singing.

The best part of the night, honestly, was when the comedian came up. Let me point out that I had no idea who any of the people on stage were until they started doing whatever it was that they were doing. (Note the cluelessness here). So, when the funny lady got on stage and started her stand up routine, I thought, "She's really funny! When is she going to talk about Jesus?" Then, she started singing a remake of BeyoncĂ©'s "All The Single Ladies" but changed it to "All The Wrinkled Ladies."  She also remade Taylor Swift's "Mean" with "Clean," a cute song about how annoying that clean freak friend we all have can be.* Honestly, she made a lot of funny older-women jokes that I found HILARIOUS. And, of course, after the conference ended around 10:30 that night, there was lots of laughter in the hotel room. Aaaaaand I'm pretty sure I only slept about 3 hours.


Because my sleeping patterns are always controlled by my hunger. Having dinner at 6 o'clock, then water and crackers around midnight left me STARVING all night long. So, the moment the morning alarm went off, I got ready and went downstairs to dine at the breakfast in the lobby. I used to be horrified at the prospect of eating alone, but readers, as far as I was concerned in this moment, it was just me and the food and somewhere to sit. (I think I'll turn that into a song). By the time my cohorts joined me I was on course #2 of 3. I stuck with fruit, whole grains, and plenty of peanut butter to keep me held over until lunch. This was one of the best parts of my weekend. (Sad). Following the awesome breakfast hour was an all-day conference with about five speakers, a MercyMe concert, praise and worship by Kari Jobe, and lunch in downtown Dallas with these ladies!

By 4 o'clock we were all exhausted and decided not to stay for the last hour of the conference. I slept for two hours when I got home, then slept seven straight hours that night--a record for me lately. The scariest part of Sunday was imagining how I would survive early morning nursery followed by a day spent on the lake in my friend's parents' boat. Not because I get sea sick (lake sick?) but because I was still exhausted. However, Texan was really looking forward to it, and I wanted to spend the day with him. So, I bucked up and donned my swim suit. Of course once I got out there I didn't remember how tired I was, and I really enjoyed watching Texan wakeboard like a pro, as always, and slalom for the first time.  He's amazing. I got in the water once because I couldn't hold my bladder anymore despite the fact that I had rationed my water intake. (Shouldn't have had that Dr. Pepper. But seriously, I was falling asleep once 5 o'clock came around). The water was too cold for my liking thanks to the five inches of rain we got the days before. But I thoroughly enjoyed feeling SJ kick whenever a loud boat whizzed by, or whenever I would squeal and cheer at Texan's excellent water-sporting form. SJ loved boat day almost as much as her daddy. Also, here's my first attempt at instagram video.
Monday, I felt very sick. Also, I was a little afraid that I was going into preterm labor because my symptoms reminded me of the ones I read about in one of my books. However, since I didn't have any bleeding or scary symptoms, I decided to calm down and stop worrying. It turned out I just needed a nap and some protein and to go to bed early. Tuesday, however, I felt so very super energized that in the middle of my workout I decided to clean my bedroom ceiling fan. It had been bothering me for a couple weeks, but I always forgot about it as soon as I stopped looking at it. Also, all I could imagine was the copious amounts of dust that would inevitable end up in my mouth during said cleaning. I think the sounds I made while cleaning it went something like, "Pleh! Pew! Ahem! EEEk!"

 In more "exciting new experience" news, I went to my first consignment thingy (I really don't know what it's called) in my church gym last night. Baby clothes and toys EVERYWHERE.  That's what I'm going to call it. I kept my spending to around $20 because I was just there to have a little fun, but I was excited to find something that I really want off my registry there for only $2!
So cute, right? I happen to hate washing dishes by hand because I hate having them sitting on a towel on my countertops to dry. But when I have to wash SJ's bottles, they will look so cute sitting on this little grass square. Also, there are cute trees as accessories for hanging things on to create more space. Totally a splurge item, but they go for $20 at Target! Come on, people who are judging me. Two Dollars.
Here's one with the cute little trees. Oh, love! Also, I found a package of 50 diapers for $6. I have been very against buying diapers because I know I will get them in droves from my Sunday school's Dinner and Diapers thing they do, but these are size 2, and Huggies, so I figure she will have a few months to grow into them. (Did I mention I am going to attempt cloth diapering whenever we're at home, and do disposables when we're out? I've already had people try to talk me out of it. But I want to try.)
Alas, here I am at 25 weeks (plus 2 days). I looked cute on Sunday, but had to hurry into my swim gear right after church. No time for picture. And I never got out of my PJ's on Monday. Sue me.
This is my first time ever wearing maternity jeans. It was around 70 degrees outside yesterday evening when I went to the baby consignment, so I decided to haul out the jeans. However, I am loving the tank top/sweater combo. They are not maternity at all, but they so work, right? With my pearls, of course. My mother raised me right.
Lastly, the maternity book says that SJ will gain half a pound this week. That is crazy considering my appetite has been pretty small the past two days. But, I just ate at least a pound of pancakes to make up for it, so, there you go. I'm going to go work out now. 

 (I felt very bored with myself while reading and writing this post. I hope it wasn't to factoid-ish. I think my allergies are causing me to feel foggy and less whitty. What a shame...)
(Does anyone else feel like around the six-months mark your self-assurance plummets? Oh, me neither...)
*By "less than exhilarating," I do not mean to imply that I did not enjoy these days for what they were. They were perfectly pleasant (for all I know--I can't actually remember) and I am in no position to comment on the boringness in my present life.
*Her name is Anita Renfroe if you want to look her up on YouTube. And her song "Why You Gotta Be So Clean" inspired me to clean my ceiling fan.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Six Months Already, and More on Week 24.

Today I am six months pregnant. To me, that sounds very pregnant. Every week before this, mind you, I was as pregnant as I am now. But there's something about saying, "Oh, me? Six months. Yeah. Oh and, yes, this is my natural hair color."  (Kidding)

Here are some things that have changed this week, thanks to my super-pregnant status:
~I now park in the "Mommy-to-be/New Mommy" spot at church. Today was my first Sunday of doing such. There are about six or eight of these spots, and they are the absolute prime real estate of the parking lot. In fact, they're not even in the lot. They're at the curb! It's glorious* 
~I upped my workouts to four times a week. This is actually due to my recent doctor's appointment where I had my glucose test. I told my doctor that I was upset about my weight increase in the last month, but he said, "Well, it's nothing to be upset about. It's about time you had a growth spurt. Haven't you noticed some growth?" YES! In fact, I told you, dear readers, last time that I couldn't believe how my belly had grown. And I'm always marveling at how much higher (and somehow, lower) I am feeling SJ's kicks. That means she's growing too. So I will dry my eyes about the *ahem.cough.plem.* pounds and power on. But I will also add another day of cardio just to ease my brain.
~Another development is my radiating desire, yearning--nay--BURNING for cocoa pebbles. In the past couple weeks I have dreamt about them on at least two separate occasions. But I abstained from purchasing them. In one dream, I was calculating a plot as to how I could get them into the house without Texan knowing. That way I wouldn't have to share or explain why the Multi-Grain Cheerios weren't tickling my fancy enough. In the dream, I searched the shelves for that multi-pack of mini boxes of cereal but could not find one that included a mini-box of the pebs. In another dream I was...well, eating them. I don't know. But it was a great dream. So, on Saturday, after a very satisfying workout at the park with a fellow pregger, I ventured to Walmart, the land of suffering, to purchase fixings for strawberry shortcake to be served at my friend's birthday party that evening. In the milk section as I searched for whipped cream, I saw them. Three bins marked with signs that read, "$1 THEY'RE WORTH A TRY! $1" And in the first bin, lo and behold, cocoa pebbles (dyno rocks, or whatever the Malto Meal equivalent is) in a bag that probably contained about 10-15 servings. Not many, but certainly worth a try as the sign suggested. Needless to say I had chocolate gravel for breakfast, lunch, midnight snack and lunch again the next day.
~Here's something to boggle your minds. This week I wrote to our nursery director at church to let her know that September is the last month that Texan and I will be volunteering two weeks out of the month for nursery. We are dropping down to one because we feel like missing two services is quite a lot each month. As I was typing up the email I realized that I needed to let her know something else. October and November will be our last months doing nursery for a while because since our designated week is the fourth Sunday, there is a huge possibility that SJ will be in our arms by the last Sunday in December. (And if not, be serious. I will be in no position to sit on the floor and play with 8 one-year-olds.) Basically I simply can't believe that we only have three more nursery duties before the baby arrives. Mind. Boggled. \
Have You Noticed that if someone slaps "Baby" or "Infant" onto a product, it's suddenly $39.99. Me too. Like an ugly utility tote is on display at Babies R Us and it's called an Infant Sachel or something fruity, and we're like, "OoOOOOOoooOoo! So fancy!" Not. We're not like that. Not us, readers.

Here's my photo. In the interest of posting on-time, I decided to have my photo taken in my lounging outfit and fresh out of shower. I should've taken it last night when I looked all snazzy for the hibachi dinner and birthday party. But, alas, I spent all day in bed after being up all night with sick doggies. But this is good. It's like seeing the Begal Tiger in her natural habitat. No frills or fake trees. Just the tiger. (I'm the tiger in this scenario, and I'm pregnant, so be nice.)

*Don't ask me why I never parked in the special spot before. Ok, ask. Because Texan said I didn't look pregnant enough. And who am I to argue? (The pregnant lady, that's who.) But, honestly, pregnancy is not a disease! (There's a direct quote from my OB. He doesn't like for women to treat themselves like patients in a nursing home just because they're pregnant.) I probably exercise more than a lot of these non-preggers, so maybe I could give up the spot to an old lady one day, or a diabetic with sore feet. Maybe I'll use this new-found power (parking spot) to touch people with my feelings! Or maybe I'll just park in it for the next 6-9 months and enjoy it quietly and remain dignified.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

In Case You Were Worried

In case you were worried that I didn't know what I was in for as a soon-to-be momma, my sweet hound dog gave me the drill of a lifetime this evening. First, let me tell you how much I care for this dog. I clothe him in the winter, I bathe him weekly, I let him slip under the covers with me after Texan leaves for work. I can't help it. My pooch loves to snuggle. Ok, I'm working on the bed issue. But I hate to sleep alone, and I am pregnant and those are my excuses. Shut up.

Here Woody is looking fanciful under my bedroom curtains just yesterday evening. (Ok, Cara, where is this going?) Now, I am not under the diluted impression that I will be able to compare my love for Woody to my love for SJ. While Woody is my fur baby, he will always be just that. He's not my blood, or the fruit of--ick--calling anything "the fruit of..." weirds me. Anyway, I KNOW he's just a dog and this blog is about me and my pregnancy and baby news. But I was given a glimpse into POO-HORROR this evening and I can't help but think that it helped prepare me for motherhood. 

It is Wednesday, which means bible study. From 6:30-8 we have social dining with our group. We all bring a dish that goes with the main course and we enjoy each others' company. Then we sing worship songs to guitar accompaniment by none other that Yours Truly. We then do our study discussion, pray, eat dessert and disperse. Well, it was around 10 pm that we returned home this evening. And when Texan and I opened the door to our doggy den we were horrified to smell and see the utter crap-fest. One dog (it was hard to tell who because they both looked so ashamed) had emitted explosive diarrhea out the front of the cage. Ok, at least he aimed properly. It was also in the cage and all over his hind parts. We were immediately on red alert. Texan put the dogs in the yard and took the bottom cover out of the kennel out to spray with the hose. I scrubbed the carpet with a 409 carpet solution, bleached the rubber mat that lines the floor beneath the cage (thank God for that) and then brought both dogs in for baths. After which, I foolishly set them free in the house. (Do you detect a hint of foreshadowing?) To our dismay, the house still absolutely WREAKED. So I got out a bucket of soapy hot water and again scrubbed the carpet, then covered it in baking soda and went outside to bleach the cage tray. Upon my return, I found that Woody had leaked AGAIN. Only this time, on our bedroom carpet. Now it was nearing 11:30 and Texan was in bed studying (ignoring my hardship). I put Woody back out and went to town on our bedroom carpet. Then I ran a bleach load of laundry, a hot load of any towel I may have dried my hands on, bleached the tub where I had bathed the dogs, and disinfected every door knob. And wait! Then I scrubbed Woody's bum until it turned red and banished him to the non-carpeted areas of the house. (Cara, why not leave him in the yard?) Woody hates solitude. Trust me. he was outside for most of my cleaning process, but after his bath i wanted him mostly dry before going back outside. At 1 am I finally laid down. Sweet mother of Abraham Lincoln, I am quite exhausted. I didn't mention that in the midst of this I still had to pack a lunch, do dishes, put away clean laundry, and mend texan's work pants. (Why so many holes in this one pair of jeans? I sew them weekly. Always a new hole.) And, oh yeah! Allow me to recap what Texan did after being so helpful initially. He walked around the house saying, "It smells," and "where is a candle?" I gave him a linen-scented candle and a mocha one. "But I don't like Mocha," he said. "It's better than POOP!" I replied with quite a but of sting. After lighting them, he went into our bedroom closet and said, "MMMM, the closet doesn't stink." That's when he crawled into bed. I don't blame him after a long day of work. But it didn't seem quite as funny at the time. You may say, that evening is nothing compared to--SHHHHHH. Let me have my moment. 
Selfies :)

Sunday, September 8, 2013

23 Weeks

I have anticipated the publishing of this blog all day, and yet I do not know where to begin.


I suppose I could start with today and work my way backward over my 23rd week of being a sacred vessel.

Today was a nice Sunday.   Blah. Today, Texan spent all afternoon studying for the illustrious LSAT while I cleaned, organized, put-away, and took a delightful nap. But yesterday, oh boy. Yesterday we...wait, let me preface this with the fact that yesterday we slept until noon. Glorious. When we finally woke up, Texan let me pick our daily deed. I chose to go to the Fort Worth Zoo. Only $12 admission and the temperature was not even supposed to reach 100! I donned my lightest and tiniest maternity dress and pulled my hair into a sensible up-do for optimal sweating and we hit the road. I would say we spent about 4 hours roaming the zoo. And the temperature was not an issue! Enough shade and air-conditioned venues full of gorillas and penguins to cool us off completely. Most of the animals were sleeping, which might disappoint a child, but Texan and I were glad to walk about ooo-ing and ahhh-ing at some magnificent creatures. My Texan loves facts and trivia, so he especially enjoyed the Texas Wild area of the zoo, where we had to read every poster and flip card there was. It was all very hands-on, so we got to touch a lot of cool things like an elephant skull and a GIANT tortoise shell. It made me very excited to bring SJ there with my family and her big cousins. It also made me very thankful for a husband who enjoys animals as much as I do. We don't need a giant production to tickle our fancy on a Saturday afternoon. We would rather stare at a gorilla, or marvel at a baby kangaroo. Gosh, I love that man of mine. I abstained from taking any photos at the zoo, since it's kind of one of those, "You had to be there," kind of things. But fret not. I will load up on the photos when we take SJ, believe you me. Oh! At the zoo my fingers got really swollen toward the end of the day. This worried Texan and he made me chug some water and we shared a piece of homemade fudge from the Candy Shoppe along the way. I don't know if the fudge helped. Okay, it helped my spirit. Things always taste better when they come from a Shoppe. (A shop is so mundane.) After this we had dinner out and went home and stayed up until 3 am watching movies. Great day.

Like I said in my previous post, I have been VERY crafty in the past two weeks. I did most of the big work last week, but this week I had to do some fine-tuning. Here are some photos of the fruits of my labor. (If you're on facebook and have seen the pacifier clips, just skip down to the swing re-do.)

Here are some pacifier clips I made. I attached the paci (that I got in a registry gift bag) to make sure they did their job. But I will have to throw it away before the baby comes lest an unknowing family member tries to pop it in her mouth. My sweet hound dog, Bailey has taken a liking to the taste of the binky and has given it a few good licks whenever she gets the chance. Such a weirdy.

Here is my piece de resistance. It's not finished yet. I still have to finish edging. However, I have broken FOUR, mind you, FOUR sewing needles on this bad boy. The first one I broke is the one that came on the machine when I got it for Christmas  2011. Then I bought a pack of 5 and was down to 2 within an hour of putting the first one on. It turns out the lower left-hand corner of the swing cushion has it out for shiny metal objects. So, you'll understand why I have taken a break from finishing the border and the edging.

Here is the before. I used a picture from the Fisher Price website because I didn't take a very good shot before starting the task.
The swing was a gift from Texan's grandmother. The seat turns a full 90 degrees and it has soothing ocean, rain and forest noises to go along with the movement. I really like it. But the more I looked at the cushion--and I have a lot of time to spend looking at cushions--I couldn't help but wonder what a polar bear, 2 penguins and a walrus were doing on a sing with a sea turtle and two tropical fish. Fisher price doesn't expect us to believe that all of these creatures coexist in Antarctica, do they? Then, on the mobile, there is a random whale that doesn't appear on the swing. So I decided to jazz it up a little, if not make it a little more geographically accurate. And here's what I have come up with so far.

I had to add the photo bomb by Bailey. As you can see, there is extra fabric around the pom pom border, which I intend to finish. But the hardest part may turn out to be that little triangular piece of fabric above the mobile. I did a practice piece, but it doesn't look quite perfect yet. Also, I am in the market for some replacement do-dads to hang from the mobile since the ocean friends don't match anymore. Perhaps I'll make some cute little stuffed animals from leftover fabric. (No seriously, that just came to me.)

Other than the crafting, Texan and I have had a very active week. I did my normal pregnancy workout one day, but ended up going jog/walking with friends early Friday morning. I would have jogged, but it turned out that my bladder thought otherwise. So, to maintain my dignity, I kept my feet closer to the ground. Thankfully, the two non-pregnant friends continued running, but I had my pregger friend to stay behind with me. She's only 7 weeks, so it's fun (is that evil?) to hear what she's going through. I am as encouraging as possible because I truly enjoy being pregnant now despite how yucky it was 12 weeks ago. Thursday night we played Tennis with friends, and Friday night I watched Texan play basketball with a group from church. Basketball transitioned into more tennis, and we rounded out the night pretty exhausted. That led to the zoo the next day, so you can imagine why we stayed off our feet all day today.

I had better finish this up with a belly pic and get you on out of here. But I will mention that in this picture I am wearing my favorite pair of jeans, which happen to be non-maternity jeans. You see, I had a pouty time about getting bigger recently, and I really needed some cheer. So I decided to try on my favorite pair of jeans, and I buttoned them with ease! They are low-rise, and pretty uncomfortable when I bend over, and I much prefer the freedom of maternity shorts and pants. But it made me feel better to know that my lower half is still normal. Jiggity-Jig for normal-butt!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Week 22 and 21's recap.

  Ok, so here's something I haven't tried before. I have seen this on a few preggo blogs before and wanted to do it. So, I finally did the old copy/paste and here it is. By the way, so sorry about not blogging week 21. Texan actually said to me, "I'm sad that you didn't blog week 21. Now SJ will never know what you looked like at 21 weeks pregnant." Isn't he so cute when he's sensitive? Ok, stop it. I think she'll live.
How far along? 22 weeks and 4 days.
Total weight gain:   11 pounds
Maternity clothes? For the most part. If I'm just lounging around the house I wear my normal workout clothes.
Stretch marks? Not yet! I'm using Bio Oil and Palmers daily to combat them. I basically go to bed every night nicely-slathered in a sweet-smelling concoction. Tuesday night after reading a book to SJ, Texan kissed my belly and promptly had to wipe the oil off of his lips with a "bleck!" It was hilarious.
Sleep: My biggest headache right now is my sleep pattern. I have a very hard time falling back to sleep after anything wakes me up. And despite sleeping 12 hours some nights, I am still exhausted all day the following day, and may even need a nap to get through until 10 o'clock.
Best moment this week: Spending Labor Day weekend with family. We got a ton of awesome swag for SJ's nursery. In fact, all of her furniture is in our possession. So excited to get her nursery together.
Miss anything? Lunch meat, diet cola. I would love a ham sandwich with a Diet Coke.
Movement: Lots of kicks moving higher up on my belly. For the first time last night I felt SJ all the way at my belly button. I've never felt her that high up before.
Food cravings: Not really right now. But I find it hard to stop once I start eating red grapes and chocolate milk. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope!
Gender: Girl
Labor signs: No
Symptoms: Lower back pain, feet get sore if I'm on them for more than 2 hours. Legs hurt if I sit in car or at a table for too long.
Belly button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy! Unless I'm hungry...
Looking forward to: Lunch :)

I have to say, I am loving my belly right now. Yesterday I was feeling like a bit of a lard after trying on a maternity shirt that had been given to me that just made me look disgusting. But thankfully my good friend (who happens to be just 7 weeks pregnant herself!) came over to hang out and made me feel better. I am glad to say that I am really keeping up with my workouts, so I'm doing what I need to in order to stay healthy during this pregnancy. So here I am in all my spherical glory!

I basically spent all of last week crafting. I am going to post the pictures on my next post of some of my exciting designs in honor of my sweet baby girl, who is currently kicking my bladder. So, I will sign off! Cheers to my third trip to the little girl's room in 45 minutes. Hip Hip Hooray!