Monday, April 11, 2016

Cyrus is 2 months old and Scarlett is just plain 2.

Cyrus Dean is 2 months old. My favorite thing about him besides the fact that he is  dashingly handsome adorable from head-to-toe is that he is asleep every night between 9:30 and 10. "Oh hey, mom, it's 9:59. You better lay me down so I can fall asleep like a flipping angel," he says. Don't mind if I do, little buddy. Don't mind if I do. His first shift usually last from 10-4 then after 30 minutes of nursing and a diaper change we sleep until 7 or 7:30. He'll sleep until 10 if I don't get up to get Scarlett out of bed when she wakes up, so that's nice to do on Texan's days off. One night Cyrus did a crazy thing (because I'd had him out until 9:30 shopping) by staying up until 11... but then he slept straight through the night until 6:15. He is a great sleeper. That's what I'm getting at here, people. Awesome sleeper.
Conversely, during the day he nurses so much that I feel like I get nothing done. That's pretty much the story of my life right now. I sit on the couch nursing and looking at my unfolded laundry, Scarlett's toys everywhere and I think, "if I am ever able to put him down I am going to get SO MUCH crap done." Then inevitably, Scarlett asks me to catch a ball (aww) or push her on the swing. And I'm like, of course I should do those things. Cyrus is sleeping in a milk coma and she deserves some one-on-one fun in the beautiful spring weather. Then it's just a cycle of nursing and trying to be a fun and active mom. A few frantic 10-minute cleaning intervals strewn about throughout the day and, voila! Somehow I still manage to make dinner and keep the dishes from piling up. How does she do it?! It's called coffee, you should try it. And 3-hour FaceTime conversations with my sister who has twice as many kids as I do...those are helpful--not to my house's cleanliness but to my sanity.

Not that My sanity is in question. it's just under investigation.

Ok, Cyrus. He's 2 months old, like I said.

He doesn't roll over yet because laying on his play yard either makes him fall fast asleep within about 5 minutes or it makes him realize how starving he is. Imagine.
He loves to be held while he sleeps and I find freedom in those night where I'm too tired to sit up and properly nurse him, burp him, tuck him into his bassinet I can let him sleep in my arms. But he doesn't expect it every night. Last night I was the model of propriety. He slept only in his bassinet and I trolled Pinterest on my iPad while he nursed. But a few nights from now he may wake me up one too many times and end up my little cuddle buddy because I am too weak from exhaustion to even sit up. That's my prerogative. He is my favorite cuddle buddy since his 2-year-old sister cut me off from snuggle-ville about a month ago. I can no longer cradle her in my arms or hold her close when I read to her before bed. She is a wiggle worm with lethal roundhouse kicks to anyone who dare lay hold of her weapons that are her legs. I knew the day was coming but I though it would be a couple more years.
Pah! Naive.
Oh, Scarlett.
 I don't allow the use of the phrase "terrible twos" into mine or Texan's vocabulary because there's nothing terrible about this time. Scarlett is hilarious, inventive, obnoxious and sensitive. She plays with her stuffed animals in her bed until I come in and get her each morning and nap time. And when I enter the room she asks, "I get down? Peeeeez?" She is my sweet girl who occasionally drives me nuts with her new faux cry that sound a bit like a moose being stabbed.
We'll be spending the better half of this week with Grampy and Dreeny at their house and I look forward to that very much. Scarlett adores them and let's face do I.

We love having Cyrus in our family and we love seeing his personality unfold by the day. We basically love the heck out of that boy.

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