Monday, March 14, 2016

Cyrus is a whole month old!

Cyrus turned 1 month old at 11:02 on Thursday night. Maybe one day when he is old enough we will let him stay up late to ring in his birthday and have a mini midnight party! Especially since both my babies came within about an hour of each other on their respective birthdays...maybe that will be a thing one year. 
He is a typical newborn. I could say he loves to eat and sleep and fill his diapers but...duh. We haven't been able to capture any smiles yet on camera, but he smiles in his sleep and smirks at us when we tell him stories. I remember Scarlett smiled at about 3 and a half weeks, so I know any day now he'll give us one for the baby book. He goes to sleep between 8:30 and 10 each night and wakes up around 2, 5, and 7. Thankfully I get to go back to bed with him until either Scarlett wakes up around 8:30 or until Kyle has to leave for work. The other night he slept from 7-3, and this morning he slept until 10 and so did his sister...and so did I!
The hardest part about having a second child is how much I have to tell Scarlett to wait because I'm nursing. The other day she asked for shark snacks (fruit snacks shaped like sharks) and I told her yes. But I was nursing at the time so, time went on and eventually she came into Cyrus' room where I was rocking him and said, "MAMA, come snacks!" It cracked me up. Along with speaking to me like I am a low-level employee, she has added the words, "delicious" and "fantastic" to her vocab. Her 2 most used phrases are "Hurray! I did it!" along with "oops...sowwy" whenever she accidentally drops something or trips. I don't have the heart to tell her that's not what apologies are for. She can also count to 14 now. So crazy that the last time I posted a blog after my mom left she could only count to 6.

I'm still nervous about taking Cyrus around groups of children, so with all the gatherings we have been invited to this month I am trying to figure out a way to avoid Cyrus catching something while still letting Scarlett have fun. But how?! Don't answer that. It will be ok and it doesn't actually take up that much of my thinking power. I spend more of that wondering if Scarlett spends enough time outside and if I'm taking enough pictures of Cyrus. Scarlett calls him Cyrus (Sah-wiss) now instead of Baby Cy and I love it. And she loves him now. Only took a month. Hooray, she did it!

Here are some photos I took today in the beautiful sunlight that spilled into our home all day long.

First picture: Bed head and jammies. I said: "Show mama how you say "CHEESE."
Second picture: "Show mama how you blow bubbles." LOL
NOTE: Scarlett completely trashes the living room as soon as she wakes up. TOYS EVERYWHERE. I love when it's time to put them all "night night" and I get my living room back.
 For these we went out onto the porch and she was having so much fun responding to my prompting. I said, "Show me how you..." so many times that by the end she was coming up with her own ideas. She said, "Show Mama a sneeze...AH-CHOO!"

Happy 1-month birthday, sweet boy!

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