Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Week 3

Scarlett Jane's third week of life has been one worth writing in her baby book about. We have seen longer and stronger attempts and triumphs at holding up her head, and we heard her first little laugh accompanied by some of the biggest smiles known to mankind. These smiles were special because they didn't happen right after nursing or before burping, like usual. They were drawn out of her by Grampy's chatter and those baby blues of his. 

We spent the weekend at my parents' house but had to make an early departure Sunday due to calls for winter storms. Usually we wouldn't have left until the afternoon. 

Scarlett was hardly put down on Friday and Saturday, then Sunday after our 90 min drive, she spent the day nap/nursing with me. I have not made a habit out of nap/nursing (which is where you fall asleep while nursing on your side in bed and wake up completely rejuvenated with a sleeping baby beside you) so save your  "wise" comments. In fact, that was my first time. So, needless to say, by the time Monday rolled around and I needed to do 4 loads of laundry, sweep the floor, and yadda-yadda...my sweet girl would fall asleep, I'd set her in her swing (like always) and she would sleep for approximately 10 minutes before waking up with her little sad sounds. She wanted to be held. But finally, at 4:30, after doing all of my chores in 10-minute intervals while she napped for tiny bits of time, she fell into a deep nap from 4:30-7. And I napped for part of that, on the couch. 

Today was better. She went longer stretches without being held. I scrubbed our master bathroom. Boy, did that tub need it after 3 weeks. I had fone thr toilet and sink, as had Texan since those are quick once-a-weekers. But the tub takes more will power. I guess that's my true-life Tuesday. Have you seen those? Where people post honest pictures of their (Usually housework related) shortcomings on Tuesdays? That was mine. 

Yesterday was my first day back in the kitchen. I found that I accidentally had all the necessary ingredients for my FAVORITE taco soup recipe. It only takes 10 minutes to make, and there are seldom leftovers. But making it, and also packing texan's lunch for the first time since Scralett, really put me back in the mood to cook. So, if you follow me on Pinterest you may have noticed all the food/dessert I pinned today. I fully intend on making all of it next week. 

But here's the deal--first I need to go to the grocery store. Yikes! I've already had 2 stress dreams about going with Scarlett. In the first, I left Scarlett with Honey Boo Boo's Mom. What's her name? Mama? I've never even SEEN that show. Anywho, when I got back from dream-shopping, she had placed Scarlett in a playpen on her belly and they were at a picnic. I wasn't happy with Mama's tactics, but what did I expect from letting her of all people watch my precious? In last night's stress dream, I got into the grocery store and realized that I had forgotten Scarlett in the car. When I got to my car, I had left the door open! But thankfully for idiot-dream-Cara, Scarlett was asleep in her carseat. Yeah. And really, all this to say, my real anxiety is only that I will take Sweet Baby Jane to the store and she will refuse a bottle and command breast feeding privileges, which I will have to give her in the changing room at Walmart, because even though I hate that place, I shop there because it is cheapest. And grocery shopping will take forever and she will be miserable and I will feel guilty. Those are my fears. But I have no groceries. We are officially out of leftovers. I don't even know what we're going to eat the rest of the week...grilled cheese. And as a side dish? Ramen noodles. Yikes. So I must face my fears, try giving her a bottle, and trust that my fears are an exaggeration of even the likeliest of scenarios. 

Perhaps if this weren't the coldest week of winter yet, my mind could rest a bit easier. At least I have my sweet girl to keep me warm!

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