Sunday, February 16, 2014


As Scarlett grows, I know her personality is bound to surprise and delight me in every way possible. One of her most interesting new developments is her love for her swing. No, she doesn't need it. She is happy in any place. But she has started this evening habit that goes like this: 1) Nursing phase-this one is self-explanatory.
2) Burp & Snuggle phase-after a good burp, she will likely fall asleep nuzzled against me, or I will hand her to Texan so he can enjoy her in this most angelic state, since he will only hold her if she is at her 100% best. [Can we blame him? He doesn't have the means (boobs) to appease her in any other state].
That brings us to...
3) Fussy phase-this phase in and of itself is optional. It doesn't happen every evening. But of the past 3 evenings, it has. She seems uncomfortable in any position I hold her. I pass her to Texan, even worse. The only thing that appeases her? The swing. 
She goes from brow furrowed and little "Neh! Err!" noises, to complete delight and maybe even a smile. She gazes in ecstasy at the turtle, fish and whale that float above the swing and she lies there awake and completely at ease. Wide awake. This isn't a sleep thing. It's about her alone time. Don't hold me. Don't lay me down on my play yard, nay, your lap. Take me thither, to my swing. And leave me there by and by. This is the song of my people. 
Here's the happy face she makes in it.

In other news, I'm elated to find that I have reached my first weight goal. I have three goals. The first is to reach the weight I was last year before I started running. The second is 8 pounds below that. That's the weight I was when I found out I was pregnant. The third is another 8 pounds below that. And that's what I weighed before...just before. I have reached goal #1 without diet or exercise! Now that the weather is turning fair for a spell, I am going to ease back into jogging. And weight lifting will also begin this coming week. It took me 6 weeks to lose that first 8 pounds last year. But I think if I am stricter with my diet, plus I'm nursing which should account for some calories, I will be able to lose it faster this go-around. I am so excited to be able to wear my Levi jeans comfortably again. Presently, it's a battle. 

This week we had our first valentine's day with Scarlett, and spent it on a double date at Olive Garden. We had a gift card to use, otherwise we NEVER would've picked a popular chain for V-Day. But we only waited 30 minutes, and Scarlett was asleep for all but the mealtime. (Not counting waiting to be seated. thankfully the weather was perfect and we sat outside away from the people). Once the main entree came I bottle fed her (still in her carseat) and then cradled her for the last 10 minutes until we left. What an angel! I can't say the same for the screaming baby a few tables away...those poor people. And my sweet girl barely napped on Valentine's Day between grocery stores and going out, hanging out at friends' houses, she couldn't get a very long nap in once we started rolling around town--although she napped for about 45 minutes between shopping and dinner. So she slept from 12:30-5:30. Her longest sleep yet! 

Here she is wearing her onesie from cousin McKenna. I actually bought it for McKenna when she was a wee one, so now it's a hand-me-down!
But Saturday was the best. Not only did she nap all day while we jogged and visited with Texan's grandparents, but she went to bed at 9:30! Yes. This has Been my wish for the past week that she might start going to bed early. And I was exhausted yesterday, probably from my first workout and being up so late the night before. So at 9:30 when I noticed somebody asleep in her swing, I placed her in her bed and she stayed asleep until 10:15. She nursed for 30 minutes and went back to bed until 2:30! The rest of the night was a series of feedings and sleeping, and here it is 9:45 and she has awoken for another feeding. We have already slept 9 hours total! I hope this earlier bedtime can become a habit eventually. 

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