Saturday, February 22, 2014


As many of you now know, I began sleep training this week. Sunday was such a terrible night, that I realized I needed to do something about it. Up until then, I had approached Scarlett's sleeping habits very passively. In my mind, I had no control over them as far as nighttime went. I was just happy she wasn't nocturnal like many babies I have heard about. One of my nephews was nocturnal for a while. I know it drove my sister to tears on a few occasions. So last Sunday when Scarlett was inconsolable (which she NEVER is) around 12:30 am, I was a wreck. We ended up getting an ok amount of sleep that night, but it didn't seem all that refreshing considering the balled-up cry fest I had had just hours before while Scarlett fussed at my bedside. When Texan got home from work that following day he kissed me and said, "Rough night?" Yeah. So, on my first 3 nights of training I experienced mixed results. The first night, the one following the disaster night, she slept 7 straight hours. It was incredible. But my only goal the next night was to stick to the same bedtime, which had been 10:30. And stick to it we did. It was just a matter of getting used to feeding at different times. Instead of staying up until 11:30 and having our last feeding then, I needed to shift everything by one hour. That worked up until Friday, when we had fondue night at a friend's house. I wracked my brain trying to find a solution to going out but keeping the schedule. The party wasn't to start until 7, and I knew there was no way we would leave it before 9. And I start bath time and quiet time at 8 at home. So when we left the party at 10 o'clock, I didn't know what to expect. Scarlett had sleep/nursed the entire party. (I'm not shy to nurse with a cover, and all of our friends either breastfeed/fed their kids or are planning on doing it. So, I know no one is stifling a gag). Sadly, Scarlett was wide awake until midnight that night. Gag. We got away with only 7 hours of sleep, leaving us both exhausted Saturday. 

Then, Saturday was such a beautiful day, our friends invited is over to cook out hot dogs and play games Saturday night. My first response was a resounding NO. I felt so guilty screwing up the new way of doing bedtime and I didn't want to do it again. But my friend who is a mom herself convinced me and even brought her video baby monitor. Her son is 18 months and sleeps in the spare bedroom where our friends have a crib for their future baby who isn't conceived yet. And after 4 attempts, Scarlett was down (on our friends' bed) at 10 o'clock! And she didn't even wake up when we left their house and got her home in bed at 11. She did wake up to feed at 11:30 for 15 minutes and then went right back to sleep. I was so elated to be able to play a couple rounds of cards hands-free while being able to monitor her sleeping with the nifty camera. She has never slept in a separate room from me. Even when she naps during the day she is in her swing in the living room with me. So, I feel pretty excited to go back to our schedule tonight. And I think we're having another growth spurt, because last night Scarlett slept 3, then 2, then 1.5 hours. It was so exhausting! And it happened about 2 weeks ago, too. I learned that babies go through big growth spurts at 3 weeks, 6 weeks, and 3 months. So, I guess we're on track. 

Here's the sleep log I've been keeping. Here's my A-type personality showing up. I know. I update it on my phone every time we wake up.

Sleep training
Monday: 10:30-5:30 (woke up for good at 10am) 10 hrs
Tuesday: 10:30-12:3012:45-4:305:30-9 (9hrs)
Wednesday: 9:50-10:3011-3:304:30-6:307:30-8:30 9:50(7.5 hrs)
Thursday: 8:30-9 10:20-3:20 3:55-6:307:30-10 (10hrs)
Friday: NO ROUTINE 12-3:304:15-78:30-9:45
Saturday: game night 10-11:3011:50-2:50 3:20-6 7:45-9
Sunday: 10:30-

In other news, Scarlett has a play yard that I lay her on each day, and yesterday she looked into the mirror that points down from above for the first time and couldn't look away. (Pictured below) Then today, same thing. It's very exciting to see her recognize something interesting and keep her gaze focused on it. I don't think she realizes how beautiful she is yet, but soon enough. 
Yes, that furry vest is satin-lined and from H&M. And, I adore it on her. 

Speaking of her unparalleled beauty, I love to photograph her. Each morning--who are we kidding? It's more like early afternoon--when I get her dressed, I sit her down in the glider if there's good light coming through the window and I capture her incredible eyes and porcelain skin with my Nikon. I got the camera as a graduation gift and I'm finally using it for its intended purpose. Yes, even 2.5 years ago I knew that camera would be used to take brilliantly clear photos of my offspring. So, thank you to my parents and Texan got going halfsies on it. Photos used in this blog taken with my phone because , well, it's 11:15 and I need to go to bed rather than get out my camera.

Sunday, February 16, 2014


As Scarlett grows, I know her personality is bound to surprise and delight me in every way possible. One of her most interesting new developments is her love for her swing. No, she doesn't need it. She is happy in any place. But she has started this evening habit that goes like this: 1) Nursing phase-this one is self-explanatory.
2) Burp & Snuggle phase-after a good burp, she will likely fall asleep nuzzled against me, or I will hand her to Texan so he can enjoy her in this most angelic state, since he will only hold her if she is at her 100% best. [Can we blame him? He doesn't have the means (boobs) to appease her in any other state].
That brings us to...
3) Fussy phase-this phase in and of itself is optional. It doesn't happen every evening. But of the past 3 evenings, it has. She seems uncomfortable in any position I hold her. I pass her to Texan, even worse. The only thing that appeases her? The swing. 
She goes from brow furrowed and little "Neh! Err!" noises, to complete delight and maybe even a smile. She gazes in ecstasy at the turtle, fish and whale that float above the swing and she lies there awake and completely at ease. Wide awake. This isn't a sleep thing. It's about her alone time. Don't hold me. Don't lay me down on my play yard, nay, your lap. Take me thither, to my swing. And leave me there by and by. This is the song of my people. 
Here's the happy face she makes in it.

In other news, I'm elated to find that I have reached my first weight goal. I have three goals. The first is to reach the weight I was last year before I started running. The second is 8 pounds below that. That's the weight I was when I found out I was pregnant. The third is another 8 pounds below that. And that's what I weighed before...just before. I have reached goal #1 without diet or exercise! Now that the weather is turning fair for a spell, I am going to ease back into jogging. And weight lifting will also begin this coming week. It took me 6 weeks to lose that first 8 pounds last year. But I think if I am stricter with my diet, plus I'm nursing which should account for some calories, I will be able to lose it faster this go-around. I am so excited to be able to wear my Levi jeans comfortably again. Presently, it's a battle. 

This week we had our first valentine's day with Scarlett, and spent it on a double date at Olive Garden. We had a gift card to use, otherwise we NEVER would've picked a popular chain for V-Day. But we only waited 30 minutes, and Scarlett was asleep for all but the mealtime. (Not counting waiting to be seated. thankfully the weather was perfect and we sat outside away from the people). Once the main entree came I bottle fed her (still in her carseat) and then cradled her for the last 10 minutes until we left. What an angel! I can't say the same for the screaming baby a few tables away...those poor people. And my sweet girl barely napped on Valentine's Day between grocery stores and going out, hanging out at friends' houses, she couldn't get a very long nap in once we started rolling around town--although she napped for about 45 minutes between shopping and dinner. So she slept from 12:30-5:30. Her longest sleep yet! 

Here she is wearing her onesie from cousin McKenna. I actually bought it for McKenna when she was a wee one, so now it's a hand-me-down!
But Saturday was the best. Not only did she nap all day while we jogged and visited with Texan's grandparents, but she went to bed at 9:30! Yes. This has Been my wish for the past week that she might start going to bed early. And I was exhausted yesterday, probably from my first workout and being up so late the night before. So at 9:30 when I noticed somebody asleep in her swing, I placed her in her bed and she stayed asleep until 10:15. She nursed for 30 minutes and went back to bed until 2:30! The rest of the night was a series of feedings and sleeping, and here it is 9:45 and she has awoken for another feeding. We have already slept 9 hours total! I hope this earlier bedtime can become a habit eventually. 

Monday, February 10, 2014

One Month

In the past week, Scarlett has started to hold her head up while she lays on her Daddy's chest or mine. She holds it up for as long as five seconds, then rests. Her little neck is scarcely able to support her cranium (which is quite heavy from holding her ample brain) for much longer than that. And during tummy time on her play yard, when I lay her down with her head facing the right, she can lift it off and slowly lay it back down facing the left. Though, sometimes is gets stuck part way through and that leaves her looking like something from one of those Febreeze commercials who simply cannot ignore the freshness of a carpet.

Yeah, like that. ^

In the past month, our most darling girl has answered to many terms of endearment. Mostly, though, we are so tickled with ourselves for giving her such a beautiful name that we simply call her Scarlett Jane in every instance. Though Texan calls her Sweet Baby Jane quite a lot, and I call her My Baby.

Her smiles have grown more frequent, and she has never shown any sign of being anything but completely healthy. She has met her Maternal and Paternal grandparents--all six of them! And she has also met two out of the three of her great grandmothers, and her only great grandfather. Sadly, my grandpa passed barely a month before she was born. He was so looking forward to meeting her the last time we spoke. She has a Mimi, two Papas, a Nana, Grandpa, Grammy, Grampy, and a Nanny. What a lucky girl.

Two days ago we used our last newborn size diaper, and have a closet full of size 1 courtesy of our friendly Sunday school group. So, we will not be going back to newborn size. It was a bittersweet parting for me. She will never wear that size again. But I can find solace in the fact that the size 1 nappies are so big on her, they go up way past her belly button.

In the past month she has gone to Walmart twice, to Target, to her pediatrician's office twice, and back to the big hospital once for her blood screening. She also attended a superbowl party and a birthday dinner. And last night we had dinner at our friends' house. This sounds like quite a lot. But considering the fact that those are the only time we have left the house in 30 days, I must remember that I have cabin fever. And most days I don't so much as open the front door to breathe in fresh air. She drinks happily from a bottle, and sometimes likes to have her pacifier, which I call a binky. I have no idea why. Although I was scared to give her these, my sister and mother encouraged me. And it has turned out nicely. I even pumped just for the heck of it yesterday, because I know what joy Texan gets from feeding her. The first time he fed her he marveled at the way her eyes remained locked on his for the entirety of the meal. And every time since then, he marvels.

She has been away from me for one prolonged period. I went to get my hair trimmed on Saturday and was gone for about an hour, at most. Texan fed her a couple ounces from a bottle and she was happy in his arms when I returned. He said he felt very confident without me, knowing how good she is with a bottle.

My one anxiety right now is her growth spurt she seems to be going through. Her sleep is all mixed up all of a sudden. And she seems to be starving after just a small amount of sleep. One night she woke every hour, then the next night she woke every two. The past two nights have been better. Except for the fact that last night she stayed awake eating until 1:30! She is usually fast asleep by 11:30. But when I set her down to sleep at her normal hour, her eyes popped open and she cluster-fed for the next two exhausting hours. Now nothing will wake her up. I gave her a bath, which she loved, but since then she has slept. I got her down to nothing but a diaper, and she still slept. It doesn't matter if I'm holding her or not. Diaper change? Forget about it. She wakes up for it, then is out. She is completely oblivious to the world until she is hungry. So I prayed that God would tell me what's best for her. If I need to keep her awake, may he help me to do that. If I need to let her sleep, may He give me peace. Because, He knows that she is loving her sleep right now. If she doesn't perk up soon, I'll just go to bed with her. I did sleep for about half an hour with her around 6 o'clock tonight. She's an evening napper, so lets hope she doesn't go too far into the night then keep me up late again. Yes, so it seems I am blessed that the only stress I have is whether or not she is sleeping the correct amount.  How nice for me.

The weather is supposed to warm up this weekend, so I am planning a walking trip. It will be Scarlett's first outing in a stroller. I want to go to the nearby trails with friends and walk off some  calories. Five weeks seems long enough to wait for that, and I'll wait another week before getting back to running and doing whatever new workout craze dvd my friend has discovered. Lately it's something called T25 by the guy who brought us the insanity workout. I have 11 pounds to lose to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight. I am excited to lift weights again and most of all, zip up my jeans without being uncomfortable. Well, at least they are zipped. I am so looking forward to Spring. Last Spring I remember sitting in the yard in our lush, green grass throwing a ball for the dogs and studying for my teacher certification test. This Spring I plan on getting lots of fresh air with Scarlett and shaking off this dust I feel I have accumulated from being indoors for what seems like the entire winter. And what a damp and dreary one it has been lately. I will part with a picture of my one-month old. Here she is in her crib after her bath. She was shivering and fussing, the poor tiny girl. So I wrapped her up tight and found my happy girl again. Texan's boss got her the blanket with matching elephant-blankie thing in the picture. I don't know what it's called. It's body is a blanket. And I pretend that she loves it or even knows what it is at all.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Week 3

Scarlett Jane's third week of life has been one worth writing in her baby book about. We have seen longer and stronger attempts and triumphs at holding up her head, and we heard her first little laugh accompanied by some of the biggest smiles known to mankind. These smiles were special because they didn't happen right after nursing or before burping, like usual. They were drawn out of her by Grampy's chatter and those baby blues of his. 

We spent the weekend at my parents' house but had to make an early departure Sunday due to calls for winter storms. Usually we wouldn't have left until the afternoon. 

Scarlett was hardly put down on Friday and Saturday, then Sunday after our 90 min drive, she spent the day nap/nursing with me. I have not made a habit out of nap/nursing (which is where you fall asleep while nursing on your side in bed and wake up completely rejuvenated with a sleeping baby beside you) so save your  "wise" comments. In fact, that was my first time. So, needless to say, by the time Monday rolled around and I needed to do 4 loads of laundry, sweep the floor, and sweet girl would fall asleep, I'd set her in her swing (like always) and she would sleep for approximately 10 minutes before waking up with her little sad sounds. She wanted to be held. But finally, at 4:30, after doing all of my chores in 10-minute intervals while she napped for tiny bits of time, she fell into a deep nap from 4:30-7. And I napped for part of that, on the couch. 

Today was better. She went longer stretches without being held. I scrubbed our master bathroom. Boy, did that tub need it after 3 weeks. I had fone thr toilet and sink, as had Texan since those are quick once-a-weekers. But the tub takes more will power. I guess that's my true-life Tuesday. Have you seen those? Where people post honest pictures of their (Usually housework related) shortcomings on Tuesdays? That was mine. 

Yesterday was my first day back in the kitchen. I found that I accidentally had all the necessary ingredients for my FAVORITE taco soup recipe. It only takes 10 minutes to make, and there are seldom leftovers. But making it, and also packing texan's lunch for the first time since Scralett, really put me back in the mood to cook. So, if you follow me on Pinterest you may have noticed all the food/dessert I pinned today. I fully intend on making all of it next week. 

But here's the deal--first I need to go to the grocery store. Yikes! I've already had 2 stress dreams about going with Scarlett. In the first, I left Scarlett with Honey Boo Boo's Mom. What's her name? Mama? I've never even SEEN that show. Anywho, when I got back from dream-shopping, she had placed Scarlett in a playpen on her belly and they were at a picnic. I wasn't happy with Mama's tactics, but what did I expect from letting her of all people watch my precious? In last night's stress dream, I got into the grocery store and realized that I had forgotten Scarlett in the car. When I got to my car, I had left the door open! But thankfully for idiot-dream-Cara, Scarlett was asleep in her carseat. Yeah. And really, all this to say, my real anxiety is only that I will take Sweet Baby Jane to the store and she will refuse a bottle and command breast feeding privileges, which I will have to give her in the changing room at Walmart, because even though I hate that place, I shop there because it is cheapest. And grocery shopping will take forever and she will be miserable and I will feel guilty. Those are my fears. But I have no groceries. We are officially out of leftovers. I don't even know what we're going to eat the rest of the week...grilled cheese. And as a side dish? Ramen noodles. Yikes. So I must face my fears, try giving her a bottle, and trust that my fears are an exaggeration of even the likeliest of scenarios. 

Perhaps if this weren't the coldest week of winter yet, my mind could rest a bit easier. At least I have my sweet girl to keep me warm!