Sunday, August 4, 2013

Week 18

So, I'm back after a one-week hiatus. Boy, last weekend was a busy one. And by the time we got home from Texan's grandparents' house on Sunday afternoon (which is usually the day we take our belly pic) it was 5:30 and I was exhausted. I slept for two hours, then caught up on some housework and went back to bed.* Last Friday night we left for my parents' house after Texan got home from work. That's really how the busy weekend got started. We got to their house around 10 pm and went straight to bed, then spent Saturday shopping, out to breakfast, and having dinner at my sister's house, and of course--the real reason we went to my parents' in the first place--we celebrated my dad's 51st birthday! We left around 7pm, and got home around 9:30 that night, and I'm pretty sure we went to bed soon after returning home because we had nursery the next morning at church.* But after church on Sunday we spent the entire day with Texan's grandparents on their ranch. I got to ride in Nanny's golf cart around the property while our dogs ran dangerously close to the tires and Texan held me tightly so I didn't fall out as he took some interesting curves and ditches at warp speed. And that, dear readers, is what a blog-less weekend looks like.

This has been an interesting week. We decided that we will not buy a house yet. We were so set on buying a house before baby comes, but God in his infinite wisdom gave us a very clear answer. No. So, with that out of our way, we can focus on other things. Like ME!  (haha, just kidding).

Here are some interesting pregnancy developments from the past two weeks:
~I picked up two GINORMOUS (wow, that's a word!) bags of maternity clothes from a dear Sunday school friend. It took me 3 episodes of 30 Rock on Netflix to try on all of the items. That's 90 minutes in Netflix talk.
~My sweet big sister who lives in Sin City mailed me a box full of maternity clothes on Thursday, so I'm hoping to receive that one later this coming week.
~My other big sister who lives only 3 episodes of 30 Rock on Netflix away (are you catching on?) came into town to help me register for baby items at Target. It's nice to have a mom there, because I have no idea what I'm doing.
~Let's see, my biggest craving in these past two week would have to be PB&J. I have at least one a day for any meal. Sometimes I have one just because. Grape jelly. There is no substitute.
~According to my book "Your Pregnancy Week by Week" the normal amount of weight gain at 18-weeks in 10-13 pounds. And I have only gained 8. I am beyond thrilled about this.
~I have decided that I love being pregnant.
~We have FINALLY decided 100% on the names for our child be he a boy, or be he a girl. *chortle* And I mean that in a final way, not to say it took us a long time. But to say that this is the FINAL time I will say that. 
~I have decided that I love pregnancy yoga. There's this woman named Katy Apple-something. And she is the founder and director of Apple Yoga, and she has free 10-minute workouts on YouTube. I do 2 episodes a day for 3-4 days a week. But this week I'm going to start doing 3 episodes a day because we are in the triple-digits here in Hell's Kitchen (I don't know, the fingers are flowing) and I try to spend time walking my dogs or going to the track or sanding furniture in the shade, but I get so hot a winded so quickly, that I just go inside and do Yoga.


Belly Pic...

*I usually summon up the energy to do my weekly blog while Texan lifts weights. I say, "Does this belly pic make my baby look fat?" and he asks, "Does this bench press make my biceps look good?" You get the picture. But there was way too much yawning going on for any blogging/weight training last Sunday. So, thanks for waiting.
*Boy*, do I love watching Texan with the babies. We have a group of 1-year-olds (give or take a month or two) and he is absolutely adorable with them. We have this cool bean-shaped table with bucket seats in ut. Looks like this...
It's like an 8-baby high chair! If I ever had multiples I would HAVE to get one. We set the babies in it for snack time. Well, Texan likes to pull up a chair into the innward-part and hold meetings with the babies. It's adorable.
*I don't know why I keep saying "boy." I think I'm just subconsciously (and let's face it, consciously) hoping for a boy.

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