Cyrus is 4 months old. He is wearing 6-month clothes and the other day he met an 11-month old girl and was bigger than her. Reader, you should've seen her parents' eyes when I told them he was not yet 4 months old. Yes, I would like to say his handsomeness is the first quality he is complimented on when he meets a stranger. But his size is always first. Then if the person has ever seen Texan they immediately add how much he, "looks like his daddy!" they always say.
Cyrus loves his right hand, maybe a little more than his left. And I have caught him sucking his thumb twice now. I think by 5 months he will be a full-on thumb-sucker the way Scarlett took to it at the same age. That's 0/2 for pacifiers in this house. Momma tried, y'all. Judge me.
He rolls over back-to-belly when he is on his play yard and even did it once in his crib at 1 am which led to much crying for the poor guy. In the past his little neck would get so tired, and that first night I found him face-down squirming and squealing like a stuck piglet. But just a couple weeks later he looks like he might want to crawl when he is on his belly. He smiles as he proudly raises his head and pushes up on his arms.
He is still sleeping like a champ. His schedule hasn't changed at all since my last post and I love it. But I can say the last week he has been going to bed much earlier, between 8 and 9 rather than 9-10. Some nights he sleeps from 9-5 but most night he has a 3 am feeding and will sleep straight on until 8:30. And it never fails that on Sundays he wants to sleep until 11.
On the 6th of June he discovered his feet. He can't hold onto them for too long yet. I think he doesn't realize he can control them quite yet and he kicks like mad. He sticks his tongue out a fair amount these days and reached for a toy for the first time recently.
My all-time favorite thing he does is watch Scarlett run around. He is a kitten and she is a beam of light teasing him as she darts around whatever space she's in. His little head turns as fast as it can to keep up with her. She loves to get nose-to-nose with him and make him smile. She then announces, "Cyrus is smiling!" And, inevitably, some drool pours forth from him mouth and she announces, "Cyrus spilled it!" I don't know where she got that.
Almost every day I succeed in getting both kids to nap at the same time. It comes very naturally for Cyrus to fall asleep between 1 and 2 so I lay Scarlett down at 1:30. But he is still kind of an unpredictable napper. Oftentimes he sleeps long past the 2-hour nap that Scarlett takes and sometimes he only sleeps and hour.
One of my favorite things that Scarlett says right now is, "Good morning, Mom! Good morning, Cyrus!" She says it whenever she feels like it. The other day she held her arms out wide and said, "Mom, I want to hold you." I picked her up and she hugged me for a good 15 seconds straight and said, "I love you really much. Now give me a kiss." Oh, my heart.
And when she wants a banana, she points and says, "My pan-bana!" But she doesn't say it like she is being greedy, rather, she says it as if someone had stolen it from her and she has found it. She sounds so happy, "My pan-bana!" My sweet, long-lost fruity goodness. She almost knows her ABCs by heart and chooses her ABC animals book to be read at nap and bedtime. She can sing the whole song as long as she had he book in front of her. I adore the sound of her pronouncing exotic animals like, "N is for Nudibranch" or "O is for Okapi." She pronounces "chimpanzee" like "hinch-ee-pinch," my favorite. She loves to make letters out of sticks in the yard but they are all the letter X since that is the easiest one to make. She says, "Look! The number X." The she imitates me, "O-O-O-OCTOPUS." She is such a joy to me.
We took our first family road trip last week to the hill country. It was a 4-hour drive and both children did very well. We stopped once on the first trip to change diapers, have lunch and nurse. Scarlett and Cyrus have always been very tolerant of their car seats and the only stresses we endured were Scarlett not choosing to word her frustrations (poopy diaper and hungry) and getting dramatic right before we stopped at subway. There was a horse trailer parked in the parking lot and she got to visit with a beautiful horse for about ten minutes and it was just what she needed. On the way home Cyrus cried for about 30 minutes because he was so tired and wanted to be nursed to sleep. It was pretty awful mostly because Texan seems to think crying babies only bother him. I'm more laid-back and feel like Cyrus will eventually fall asleep. But SOMEONE is in the driver seat acting like the car is on fire. "Should I pull over?! What does he need?! We should've brought bottles of milk! Why are we so careless?! Ahhhhhhh!"
To close, thank you for asking about Texan and praying for his family during this time of loss. The morning we were getting ready to go bury Texan's mother, he let out a sneeze and Scarlett said, "God bless you, honey." I love when you know you've got a hard time coming up and your baby just sweetens the moment a little with a funny phrase.
It has been a crazy month of ups and downs already and it isn't even half over.
My next post will have some vacation pictures in it. We are very excited for Cyrus' first trip to the beach followed by a visit from some Florida relatives.
I hold onto toys now. Everything goes in my mouth!
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