Monday, September 14, 2015

19 Weeks

Next week is the big reveal! Our long-awaited 20-week ultrasound is almost here, bringing with it a nice view of our sweet baby's most vital anatomy. I pray daily for a healthy heart, spine and so on. I think I've listed every vital organ enough times to God, but I like to be specific. I think my children will appreciate it later. Speaking of children and prayer, Scarlett is newly 20 months old and loves to read her bible at night. She points out the animals and makes their noises, and now points at every man and woman and calls them "Mama and Papa." She also says, "amen" after the prayers but pronounces it "men-ay." I'm not sure what that's about. When I think about her being 20 months old I remember my oldest nephew, Steven coming to Florida to visit for my high school graduation. We took him to the grocery store and let him push around a basket with a bag of sugar in it. While I recorded a video on my cell phone you can hear a stranger ask, "How old is he?" and his Aunt Holly says, "20 months." I just can't believe that he turned 10 this month! And now I have a 20-month-old. So weird. I have to find that grainy old video on some memory card in a drawer.

Scarlett got her first potty seat this week. I wanted to wait until the hustle bustle of the weekend party-planning had passed to start her sitting on it, so Sunday morning I began by letting her watch me take it out of the packaging and place it on top of the toilet seat. It's the kind that allows her to use the real toilet so I don't have to empty out a gross little bowl. If blowing my nose every morning makes me gag uncontrollably, I can't imagine doing much else. She sat on it 3 times yesterday and talked about her "pot-TEE" all day. I adore the way she emphasizes the TEE in potty. Then this morning when she dirtied her diaper, she said, "potty!" which isn't exactly the order we are hoping for, but it's still early. There's no way I expected her to even sit on it happily the way she did. We have a potty song which she is very fond of and requests as soon as we start potty time. It's not about bathrooms or anything, but it's a song we sing at Kids Night at church on Wednesdays that has become her favorite. So, no actual using of the potty has occurred. But I'm so excited by her willingness to try. I'm so proud of my big girl.

I have to keep the bragging going on Scarlett and talk about the 30th  birthday party we threw this weekend. There were 20 people, all out on the patio eating, taking pictures, roasting marshmallows and laughing. Pandora set the mood with songs ranging from I Had the Time of my Life from Dirty Dancing  (the best movie of all time) and some of Michael Jackson's greatest hits. It was perfect weather in the low 70's getting into the 60's by nightfall, and I haven't even bragged about Scarlett yet, but it was just such a great evening with friends. Now, I'm so proud of Scarlett because she just went with the flow. She played in her playhouse and smacked the piñata, ate a hot dog and a lollypop and just walked around the party like she had thrown it herself. Below is a picture that gives a glimpse of what Texan did while we were in Florida. He framed in a bunch of mulch under our oak tree (because of the shade it casts we cant grow grass there) and set up all of Scarlett's outdoor toys in a little mini playground area. He's the best. We didn't even offer Scarlett a chance to whack the piñata. Her little friend took his chance, then laid the stick down and she picked it right up and went to town. Like I said, she knows exactly how to party.
Then at about 8:15 I put her pajamas on her and brushed her teeth, then let her watch Tangled with the other kiddos. But that only lasted 5 minutes before she went into the kitchen and asked an adult for her milk. She pointed to the fridge and said, "Mim-mik." So my friend handed Scarlett her milk, who then came to me and laid in my arms to drink it. Soon enough she laid her head on my shoulder and said, "Anna," which is what she says every night at bedtime when she's ready for me to sing songs from Frozen until she gets sleepy. The girl practically put herself to bed even though the house was loud and full of fun. She had never asked for milk before, and that was the first day she had ever even said milk besides using the sign language for it. She is so big, and totally made my night with her laid back attitude and willingness to go to bed on time. It's times like these that make me thank God every single night for choosing me to be her mom.

Here's my 19-week picture
10 days until we see out baby on screen!
 I feel great, get a sore back when I'm on my feet all day, and get heartburn. Overall, I'm super happy with how the second trimester is treating me!

Monday, September 7, 2015

18 Weeks

Scarlett and I got home from Florida on Wednesday, and stayed at my parents for the night due to the long day of travel. We were way too tired to drive home, and one of us had dried vomit on herself from throwing up on the way to the airport. (hint: not me)

I haven't felt any movement yet, but Texan does a lot of checking. This morning he had his hand on my belly and I hiccupped. He got so excited, I felt bad telling him that it was not the baby. We have only 18 short days until the big ultrasound to find out the gender and see all of baby's vital organs and spine. I'm excited to finally decorate the nursery and get picking out new and/or washing Scarlett's old clothes. Right now the new baby's room is still my guest room/ironing room.

Heartburn and congestion are my only complaints right now. I am craving chocolate milk and cucumbers again, as with Scarlett. I am really looking forward to Autumn weather, which should be upon us shortly. Today I bought some patio décor on sale thanks to the change in season. Texan has the day off for Labor day, so he went golfing this morning and is now taking Scarlett out back to swing on her newly-mulched play area which he finished while we were in Florida. It's adorable and well-shaded by our big oak tree.

Here's my 18-week picture:
I can't believe my pregnancy is half over! Slow down!