Monday, April 13, 2015

15 Months

Scarlett turned 15 months old on Friday, the tenth. She had her well-baby check with her new pediatrician that same day. She is 75th for height and 8th for weight, so we are finally starting the weaning process in hopes of getting her to drink more whole milk. My biggest concern is that she get enough fat for brain development as her ped isn't concerned about her being thin or malnourished. Her vocabulary grows each week. Her words are:
Dee-Doo (thank you)
Bay-Bay (for bailey)
Mee-Mee (what she call's Texan's mom, and something she shouts when she is being silly)
Nigh-Nigh (accompanied by waving)
Bye-Bye (more waving)
Hi! (always said as an exclamation)
No-No or No-No-Ma!
Bee-buh (peek-a-boo)
Yum or Num-Num-Num (when eating my delicious cooking...and chocolate)

Scarlett's favorite foods are spaghetti, yogurt, roasted ham, cheesy Spanish rice, orange slices, turkey sandwiches, and anything made of chocolate. She likes to feed herself with a spoon, but is so messy I have a hard time allowing it to go on for too long. The girl needs to get some of it into her belly, after all.

She is walking very well now and hasn't reverted to crawling in about a week. She is fast, recovers well from falls and can lean over to pick something up and keep on going.

We are down to nursing once in the morning and once in the night. It has only been two days on this new regimen but it has really increased the amount of whole milk she will drink. I offer it to her all day along with some water and diluted juice.  But last night she drank a 5 oz bottle before bed and slept great. Her doctor doesn't want her drinking from bottles anymore, but as long as she is drinking milk I am going to let her get used to not nursing before I cut out the bottle.
She has all of her teeth except her 2-year molars. It has been so nice having a break from teething since December.
She had one ear infection in March. It was her first since her surgery back in January.
She still naps once or twice a day and loves to brush her teeth at night.
Her favorite song is Twinkle-Twinkle. We sing it at bedtime with some had motions and she smiles and leans against me as I sing. When I read her book called  Good Night Texas she leans back against me and points at all the pictures and helps me turn the pages. She lets me lay her down in her crib and gets her thumb in her mouth as she falls asleep.
Her favorite pastime is playing outside. I leave the back door open and she walks all over the back patio pushing her walkers and yelling at the dogs. Sometimes she wants to swing and other times she just wants to pick grass and pretend she is me working in the garden.
She is such a good baby. I think I will keep her.

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