Monday, September 1, 2014

Hello, September.

I know this photo does not accurately convey the way in which I will spend my September. (Hint: there will be shorts, and sweating and yelling 'Where are you, Autumn?')...but I am still looking ever forward to one of the greatest times of year.
Scarlett turned 7 months old on her very first (of many) Florida vacations. Texan and I both grew up spending summers in Florida visiting family, going to the beach and frequenting Disney World. So I love the idea that Scarlett will know that same joy that it brought her parents as children. I wrote about very day (here in my blog) as it happened, that's why sometimes you'll read in present tense, then in past tense as I added detail. This may not bother you, but for some it will drive you nuts. Just think of this as my journal of our vacation. I know it is long, but it has been about 3 weeks coming. So hunker down and get ready. And take a bathroom break somewhere after day 3 if necessary because it could be a while before you get another chance.

On Friday, our first day in Florida, we recovered from the exhausting late-night flight the night before. We didn't get to the house until after midnight and even though that's only 11 in our state, the stress of the anxiety in traveling with baby had me worn out.
(Eating carrots in the terminal)

(Happy baby, happy Daddy about to board the big metal bird)

(Waiting for Texan's dad to pick us up curbside in Florida)
 Scarlett took a while to calm down and go to bed but by 2 am we were both asleep and she has slept like an angel the entire time we have been here. I am sticking to our time difference so she doesn't get confused. So she goes to bed at 9:30 and wakes up around 8 Florida time. She has taken two long naps every day that we have been here as well.
(Scarlett LOVES her aunt Savannah. I think the feeling is mutual)
Friday night Scarlett met her great aunts and uncle and her great grandmother at the rehearsal dinner. Did I mention we came into town for Texan's sister's wedding? Small detail I forgot. Scarlett was her happy giggly self all evening and was a delight to all who were met with her smile. 
On Saturday we swam and went to lunch at our favorite pizza parlor with my best friend who gave birth to Scarlett's best friend one month before Scarlett was born. Sunny and Scarlett love to stare at each other and giggle and coo. Sunday was their 7 and 8-month birthday. We went to our old church and had lunch with our friends again at our favorite sushi place and attempted a beach trip but were rained out in a hilarious turn of events which left us screaming and dashing for the car while dragging all of our drenched belongings behind us.
(Grammy Rochelle with Sunny and Scarlett)

('Aunt' Heather and 'Uncle' Keith)

(Soaked from rain after the beach fail)

Monday was a more successful beach trip and also Texan's last day of vacation before returning home for work. We went to the beach with Texan's younger sister early, about 9:30. Scarlett loves water, so it was no surprise when the tide washed over her chubby little legs she kicked and splashed with delight. She even had her first taste of sand! (A right of passage, I think). Texan wasn't too thrilled with her eating it, but I couldn't help remembering my nephew's first beach trip where he ate plenty of sand and lived to tell about it.
I like to let her curiosity blossom whenever I can as long as it won't hurt her. Then came lunch at our favorite cafe in Titusville. Do you detect of pattern? It was as delicious as we remembered and we got to visit with the owners who gave us a free dessert to thank us for coming to visit them. Texan worked there once during college and they have remained good acquaintances.
 The rest of Monday was used up with a shower, a nice long nap (had by both Scarlett and myself) and saying farewell to Texan until Friday.
(Wake up, Dad! It's time to get on a plane!)
Scarlett and I lounged around and watched a movie and went to bed right on time. 
Tuesday was the most exhausting day of them all. Scarlett was bright-eyed by 7:50--ahem, 6:50 Texas time. Yawn. We had breakfast, called her doctor to describe a rash, learned that she has eczema (maybe? Not really. My family refuted that when we got back home) then she napped for 90 minutes while I sun bathed by the pool. At 11:30, Heather picked us up and we went to Target to get some baby essentials, then to lunch with Heather's mom, sisters and grandmother.
All of whom are on my list of favorite human beings. And it's a short list, so they made the cut. Haha. Lunch was followed by helping Heather with housework then spending the evening showing off Scarlett to everyone at the elementary school where Scarlett's great aunt and great grandma work followed by buying out the baby section at Macy's and eating steak one-handed (thanks for cutting my steak, Grandma Gail) because by the end of this day Scarlett was spent and needed my lap.
(Somebody rode in style about the mall)
Once home she had a good bath, some bananas, some play time in a box⤵️
followed by bed at 9:30 (8:30). I'm tired just telling you about it.
Wednesday we spent the day with Heather and Sunny again and even spent the night at their house!
(Here are Sunny and Scarlett on their 8 and 7 month birthday! Scarlett is rocking her beach ball onesie from her Mimi that says "7 months" at the bottom)
We watched the video taken during heather's labor/delivery and cried our eyes out together. We just love being mommies together! Thursday we swam and said our goodbyes later in the evening. It's so sad to not know when we'll see each other again! 
Friday we left the house at 1 for the airport and we arrived at my sister's house at midnight, making for an 11 hour day of travel for Scarlett and I.
(Scarlett's souvenir from Orlando airport)

(Documentation that she survived a 2.5 hour plane ride. She pulled an old lady's hair and pooped in her diaper. Let's not forget to mention she dumped a cup of water on herself as well. I have never been so glad to be in Kansas City than when that plane landed)

(We also survived a 3-hour layover in KC on a wing and a (bunch of) prayer)

We then spent Saturday in McKinney with family before heading home that evening. Finally, home! It felt so good to rock Scarlett in our glider, to put her stinky diaper in my diaper genie (safe from the family dog in Florida who has a taste for baby poo), to crawl into my bed with my feather pillow and not have to worry about waking Scarlett up for any reason, because she was in her room across the hall sleeping and dreaming of her favorite sippy cup, bananas and the beach. Or whatever babies dream of. Home.

August has been, by far, our busiest month this year. It began with a sisterly reunion of sorts,
(Scarlett with both of my sisters' daughters! We each have our own sweet girl to love on. I just love my nieces)
included having Texan's parents from Florida come to stay, our first family vacation,
our first time hosting bible study in our home, Scarlett's first attempts at crawling and pulling herself up,

lowering her crib mattress,
(Watching daddy lower the mattress)
saying "Da-Da" at the sight of her actual, living, breathing Da-Da, and many more exciting--and maybe a few relaxing--moments.
I am so ready for September. Fall. Autumn. Pumpkin. Candy. Coffee. Boots. Ah, Fall. Goodbye August. It's been real. Real hot. Real fun. 


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