Friday, December 13, 2013

Week 37

On Tuesday we had our 37 week checkup. Texan drove me for two reasons. Pre-ice storm, I mentioned that I kind of wanted him there because I was worried that the baby's head wouldn't be positioned in the, ya know, downward region. And then my doc would have to push on my stomach to move her. Not a pleasant thought. Then, when the ice storm hit, I knew I would need him to drive me in his 4-wheel drive just to make sure I didn't hit any icy patches. And guess who slipped and fell right into a bush while walking up to the doctor's office entrance? My Texan. "My elbow!" He cried. 

It only took me 3 days of (not) nagging to get Texan to tell his boss he would come in at 11 Tuesday morning so he could take me to my appointment. And how did he break the news to his very understanding boss? 

"Hey, is it okay if I come in after 10:30 tomorrow? My wife's doctor is checking her cervix and I have to take her." 

Wait!! In my writing workshops, my professors would have called this a misleading statement. It doesn't support the actual point of the story, and in fact, it brings up another distracting possibility that confuses the readers! He didn't have to take me to my appointment because I was having my cervix checked. That was just one part of the appointment that I wanted him there for, so he could hear the news of my vaginal progress (ew). That's all! Oh, but at least he called, right? 

I'm glad he came though, I needed help removing my boot socks from around my skinny jeans so I could put on the paper skirt. It actually took so long to remove my foot dressings that the doctor started to enter the room WHILE I was undressing. I've got to remember to wear slip-ons to the rest of my appointments. 

In "what's happening" news, I have been wondering what's happening to my body since about 4 this morning. Texan's boss sent him a text message which woke me up. I got up to read it to see if it was worth waking him up, but of course it was just something about an email he had forgotten to tell him about. Seriously?! I wish so hard that he knew what that text message really said. It said, "I know you have a 9-month pregnant wife who is trying to sleep as much as possible while being as fat as possible, but I have needs too. Like the need to tell you every thought as it comes to me in real time." Well, now that I was awake I noticed cramps like menstral  cramps. I was so uncomfortable, I got up and watched 3 episodes of Modern Family online until I felt sleepy enough to try again to fall asleep. By this point Texan was up becaise people from work were texting him (SERIOUSLY) so I told him about my pains, which by this point I assumed were from gas. But seriously, so painful. "Are you sure they're not contractions?" He asked. But they aren't coming and going. They're here to stay. Even as I write this I'm feeling them. Not cool. Maybe some yoga will help. I have been doing yoga to increase my breath and flexibility as I near labor, also I learned a dance in hopes of dancing the baby downward. Here I am at 37 weeks. I have only just awoken from a nap, so I cannot smile, otherwise my face will look as puffy as it really feels. We were on our way to bible study. Here's to this being one of the last few belly pics before a baby pic! 


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