Sunday, July 12, 2015

18-Months Old

Scarlett Jane turned 18 months on Friday. Here she is on her "birthday" passing the time "ow-THIDE," one word from her daily growing vocabulary. Among Scarlett's new words are "trash," "corn," "purple," "cookie," "car," "teeth," and of course the classics like "thank you" and "shoes." 

She loves to tear leaves off of my lantana and yell, "UH-OH!"

This face says, "Why did you put me up here?!"
Scarlett says phrases like, "thank you, Momma," and "Hey, Papa!" and "Hush, Bay-Bay" to the dog, Bailey.
At the doctor for her well-baby visit she got one shot and cried for about 20 seconds. She is in the 10th percentile for weight at 21 lbs 9 oz and 85% percentile for height at 33 inches. She loves to throw things away in the trash for me and tells me when she needs a new diaper. Whenever she walks inside from being outdoors she says, "HI!" to everyone who will listen. She still loves to read and hasn't been using a bottle in about 3 weeks. I know, I know, still the bottle. But since we didn't wean off of nursing until 15-16 months I am fine with the bottle still being in the not-so-distant past. She doesn't seem bothered by its absence and still drinks her warm milk before bed, morning nap and afternoon nap. She sleeps 11 hours each night and takes about 3-4.5 hours worth of naps a day.
She loves water, lotion, getting dressed and wearing bows in her hair. Headbands are not something she tolerates very well anymore, though. Every morning when she wakes up she must hand me her pillow, blanket and stuffed animal before I take her out of the crib. If I leave anything in the crib she gets pretty indignant. She does the same thing when we pick her up from nursery at church. When she sees us at the door she starts crying and runs for her diaper bag. Oh, and, Elmo is now a major facet in our lives. There is infinitely more I could say about my precious 1 and 1/2-year-old but I would be here until her second birthday and I imagine I would miss out on some other stuff. So, I'll end here with this--I will never get back a single second of time spent with her, so I am incredibly thankful that I get to stay home and raise her. So grateful for our days together.