Saturday, October 18, 2014

Eight and Nine Months

Nine months sounds so old. But that's my baby! I have a great big nine-month old.

On September 12, after being 8 months old for two whole days, I was sitting at my parents' dining table when my dad announced that Scarlett was standing. And sure enough, I turned around to see her holding onto the living room ottoman for dear life. My parents and I then proceeded to photograph the moment sufficiently as she stared up at us, most likely hoping we might save her from an impending fall. Since then she has taken to standing anywhere she can--in her crib, by the couch, at the French doors yelling at the dogs ( DA-DA!), and in the fridge trying to commandeer the soy sauce. My favorite thing about her standing is when she is fussing and I can say, "Come here, sweet girl." And she'll crawl over and climb into my lap and stand up by the couch and wave her arms around until I lift her up. I also think it's pretty cute how she chews on the edge of the couch, squealing all the while. 

It's pretty impossible to get Scarlett to sit still, especially when it's 50 degrees outside like it was the day I tried to take Scarlett Jane's 9 month photos. I always try to take her pictures outdoors to get the best lighting. Or at our last place we got a ton of light into Scarlett's giant bedroom window so I always took her photos at that window. And after how adorable her 8 month photos turned out...I mean, look at this face!!

 I was set on getting something just as adorable this month. But, alas, every time I sat her down she simply LUNGED toward the camera. Oh well.

These are the only ones I could get that didn't show her in a partial blur. She looks pretty as can be in brown in her cute little t-shirt from Mimi. Thanks, Mimi!
My 9 month old eats cheerios, chicken, and green beans among many other little finger foods that she can pick up all on her own. She still gets tired of feeding herself and demands that I shovel in some puree and she still nurses plenty of times throughout the day including once around 4 am.
Her bedtime is between 7:30 and 8, at which time we read, sing and rock until she can barely keep her eyes open.
She takes no interest in her sippy cup except to chew on it.
She takes two naps each day. One starts 2 hours after waking up and lasts around 2 hours. The second one is about 3 hours after that first one ends and lasts about an hour.
She loves to shop. She admires all of the colorful items on the shelves and sucks her thumb when things get boring.
She sucks her thumb for many reasons and oftentimes for no reason at all.
She loves to watch children play. I'm thinking of hiring some local children to entertain her so I can get some work done around here...just kidding. Child labor laws and such.
She is a super fast crawler, can take about 2 steps with the help of her push walker (in the picture above) and when she is really ready for a nap, she tries to climb my legs.
She says "Dada" and "Mama" very clearly and yells, "Badu!" or "Bada!" at the dogs.
She puts her index finger in her mouth when she is being shy with people.
She wakes up around 7:30 or 8:30 each morning.
She weighs 17 pounds 14 ounces and is 26 inches tall.
She loves her bath time.
She loves to eat just because I am eating.
She eats a poached egg yolk every morning.
She loves the theme song to Gilmore Girls. It makes her stop whatever she is doing, smile, and shake her arm all around like it's on fire.
She gives very sweet kisses to Mommy and Daddy.
She is my very favorite thing!